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Item 36 - Resolution, Agreement, and Appropriation Adjustment Accepting the FY 2023 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 36 - Resolution, Agreement, and Appropriation Adjustment Accepting the FY 2023 Emergency Management Performance Grant
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Post -monitoring actions document and communicate findings and recommendations for resolution to the <br />recipients and FEMA leadership and allow for increasingly cohesive programmatic and financial <br />monitoring processes. <br />Case Studies and Use of Grant -Funded Resources During Real -World <br />Incident Operations <br />Analyzing the use of grant -funded investments in real -world incidents will improve the ability of FEMA <br />and its SLTT partners to assess the effectiveness of these investments and to better understand how grant <br />funds support improvements in nationwide capability levels. Currently, FEMA conducts case studies with <br />a limited number of grant recipients each year to explore how jurisdictions prioritize grant investments <br />based on risk and capability assessments, and the ways specific investments improve SLTT preparedness <br />(Preparedness Grants Case Studies I By accepting the award, the recipient agrees to <br />participate in a case study or evaluation if requested. <br />Termination Provisions <br />FEMA may terminate a federal award in whole or in part for one of the following reasons. FEMA and the <br />recipient must still comply with closeout requirements at 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.344-200.345 even if an award is <br />t er in n a t ed i n whol a or i n par t . To t he e x t e n t t h <br />NOFO, pass -through entities should refer to 2 C.F.R. § 200.340 for additional information on termination <br />regarding subawards. <br />1. Noncompliance. If an applicant fails to comply with the terms and conditions of a federal award, <br />FEMA may terminate the award in whole or in part. If the noncompliance can be corrected, <br />FEMA may first attempt to direct the recipient to correct the noncompliance. This may take the <br />form of a Compliance Notification. If the noncompliance cannot be corrected or the recipient is <br />non -responsive, FEMA may proceed with a Remedy Notification, which could impose a remedy <br />for noncompliance per 2 C.F.R. § 200.339, including termination. Any action to terminate based <br />on noncompliance will follow the requirements of 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.341-200.342 as well as the <br />r e q u i r e me n t o f 2 C. F. R. § 2 0 0. 3 4 0( c) t o r e p o r <br />comply with the award terms and conditions. See also the section on Actions to Address <br />Noncompliance. <br />2. With the Consent of the Recipient. FEMA may also terminate an award in whole or in part with <br />the consent of the recipient, in which case the parties must agree upon the termination <br />conditions, including the effective date, and in the case of partial termination, the portion to be <br />terminated. <br />3. Notification by the Recipient. The recipient may terminate the award, in whole or in part, by <br />sending written notification to FEMA setting forth the reasons for such termination, the effective <br />date, and in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated. In the case of partial <br />termination, FEMA may determine that a partially terminated award will not accomplish the <br />purpose of the federal award, so FEMA may terminate the award in its entirety. If that occurs, <br />FEMA will follow the requirements of 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.341-200.342 in deciding to fully <br />terminate the award. <br />Period of Performance (POP) Extensions <br />Extensions to the POP for programs addressed in this Manual are allowed under limited circumstances. <br />Extensions to the initial POP identified in the award will only be considered through formal, written <br />r e q u e s t s t o t hPeepamdeess D*icier®rrPr1)&am MJhEFgcMAd must contain specific <br />35 <br />
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