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and compelling justifications as to why an extension is required. Recipients are advised to coordinate with <br />their FEMA Preparedness Officer or Program Manager as needed when preparing an extension request. <br />All extension requests must address the following: <br />1. The grant program, fiscal year, and award number; <br />2. Reason for the delay —including details of the legal, policy, or operational challenges that prevent <br />the final outlay of awarded funds by the deadline; <br />3. Current status of the activity(ies); <br />4. Approved POP termination date and new project completion date; <br />5. Amount of funds drawn down to date; <br />6. Remaining available funds, both federal and, if applicable, non-federal; <br />7. Budget outlining how remaining federal and, if applicable, non-federal funds will be expended; <br />8. Plan for completion, including milestones and timeframes for achieving each milestone and the <br />position or person responsible for implementing the plan for completion; and <br />9. Certification that the activity(ies) will be completed within the extended POP without any <br />modification to the original statement of work, as described in the investment justification and as <br />approved by FEMA. <br />Extension requests will be granted only due to compelling legal, policy, or operational challenges. <br />Extension requests will only be considered for the following reasons: <br />• Contractual commitments by the recipient or subrecipient with vendors prevent completion of the <br />project within the existing POP; <br />• The project must undergo a complex environmental review that cannot be completed <br />within the existing POP; <br />• Projects are long-term by design, and therefore acceleration would compromise core <br />programmatic goals; or <br />• Where other special or extenuating circumstances exist. <br />Recipients should submit all proposed extension requests to FEMA for review and approval at least 120 <br />days prior to the end of the POP to allow sufficient processing time. Extensions are typically granted for <br />no more than a six-month period. Recipients are advised to coordinate with their FEMA Preparedness <br />Officer or Program Manager as needed when preparing an extension request. <br />Disability Integration <br />Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, recipients of FEMA financial assistance must <br />ensure that their programs and activities do not discriminate against otherwise qualified individuals with <br />disabilities. <br />Preparedness grant recipients should engage with the whole community to advance individual and <br />community preparedness and to work as a nation to build and sustain resilience. In doing so, recipients <br />are encouraged to consider the needs of individuals with disabilities into the activities and projects funded <br />by the grant. <br />FEMA expects that the integration of the needs of people with disabilities will occur at all levels, <br />including planning; alerting, notification, and public outreach; training; purchasing of equipment and <br />supplies; protective action implementation; and exercises/drills. <br />36 <br />