pricing available at the time of the update. Moreover, this refresh will factor in any new or adjusted vehicle data and
<br />fleet or administrative policy furnished by the agency, provided it is presented in a format compatible with ICF's
<br />analytical tools. After this refresh, the ICF team will update the fleet transition planning section within the Master Plan.
<br />Additionally, we will refine the accompanying data to reflect the latest findings from our fleet assessment. The
<br />deliverable will also include the updated recommendations pertaining to vehicle technology choices, EV
<br />replacements, the TCO analysis, and the overarching fleet transition timeline. The fleet transition refresh can be
<br />initiated at any point during the period of performance of ICF's contract with the City of Santa Ana subsequent to the
<br />completion of the initial Master Plan.
<br />Task 3.4: Funding Strategy
<br />wil► California State and Federal governments are offering a suite
<br />JWL of incentive and financing programs for transitioning the fleets
<br />to EVs. To minimize costs for City to transition to an electric fleet, the
<br />ICF team will develop a funding and financing plan that recommends / Fkeet specific \
<br />specific grants, rebates, or various utility programs for the vehicles, ® Funding •
<br />charging infrastructure, and site readiness for the project, as Package
<br />necessary. In doing so, the ICF team will rely on the comprehensive Funding
<br />Laws & Fuels Data Ceives nter,dwhich includes e we nearly 1,000 records ntain as part of the lf laws, opportunities
<br />Packing Inventory gram 0 ortunities
<br />incentives, loan funds, and programs related to EVs and EVSE,
<br />including those in California. This will include programs such as federal
<br />tax credits; federal grants; California's Hybrid and Zero -Emission Truck _
<br />and Bus Voucher Incentive Project; grants offered through the Pubiic-Private r Government
<br />California Energy Commission's Clean Transportation Program; and Partnership Fuming
<br />incentive programs offered by regional air quality management districts
<br />and utilities such as SCE. Additionally, as owners and operators of EVSE, the City can also participate in CARB's
<br />Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) market and generate LCFS credits for providing EV charging services. These
<br />credits can contribute meaningfully to the return on investment of installing EVSE at their facilities.
<br />At the conclusion of this task, the ICF team will compile a summary table with upcoming funding deadlines and
<br />pertinent application details. Additionally, the ICF team will prepare a funding package memo. This memo will present
<br />the funding opportunities in an organized format, such as a table or spreadsheet, categorically sorted by vehicle type
<br />— including light -duty and MD/HD — and charging infrastructure. It will detail associated application deadlines, specific
<br />requirements, and any other essential information to aid City in their application process.
<br />Task 3 Deliverables
<br />A memo summarizing the results of EV alternatives recommendations, TCO analysis for EV replacement,
<br />GHG impact analysis, the recommended roll -out timeline to install charging infrastructure, excepted usage
<br />trends, and cost estimates by location for each phase of charging infrastructure deployment.
<br />If the fleet transition refresh (Task 3.3) is exercised, a revised fleet transition plan with accompanying data
<br />that reflects any potential changes to the original vehicle replacement recommendations.
<br />Summary table with upcoming funding deadlines and relevant application information
<br />Task 4: Development of City Fleet Policies and Standards
<br />To ensure that the City fleet remains reliable, efficient, and fit for purpose, it is important to formulate a procurement
<br />policy that aligns with the operational demands of the City's fleet maintenance and operations. This is critical as the
<br />fleet transitions to EVs. ICF will assist the City in developing policies that not only address the immediate operational
<br />needs but also anticipate future requirements, ensuring the fleet remains resilient and adaptable.
<br />Building upon existing Santa Ana City policy review from Task 2, ICF will also research across other municipalities
<br />and public fleets to understand current practices and identify areas of improvement. By analyzing policies enacted by
<br />other municipalities, we aim to glean valuable insights, best practices, and lessons learned, ensuring that the City
<br />can benefit from proven strategies and avoid common pitfalls. Our team will then engage in benchmarking activities,
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