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Renee Rainey, MPP <br />Senior Manager, Project Management <br />Renee Rainey has over 23 years of experience in social science research, <br />organizational assessment, evaluation, and project management. Her areas of <br />expertise include data collection and analysis, workforce development, training <br />and technical assistance, performance data and indicators, and evaluation <br />design. Ms. Rainey brings a range of qualitative assessment, quantitative <br />analysis, and leadership skills to her client engagements with a focus on <br />improving human services and reevaluating systems to better serve people, <br />especially those who have historically been underrepresented and <br />disenfranchised. <br />Years of Experience <br />Professional start date: 04/2005 <br />In partnership with the California and Nevada International Brotherhood of ICF start date: 12/2012 <br />Electrical Workers (IBEW)/National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) Education <br />Labor -Management Cooperation Trust (LMCC), Ms. Rainey led a High Roads . MPP, University of California <br />Training Partnership California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) grant to Berkeley, 2006 <br />expand energy savings and microgrid training and certification (EESAMTAC) . BS, Economics and English, <br />and quality jobs in California. She also recently completed a project with the cum laude, James Madison <br />California State Transportation Agency (CaISTA), the California Transportation University, 1999 <br />Commission (CTC), and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), <br />conducting a series of equity listening sessions across the state. She was previously the lead technical liaison, <br />developing and implementing the Online CalWORKS Appraisal Tool (OCAT), a work readiness assessment used by <br />all 58 California counties. Prior to her work at ICF, Ms. Rainey was an economic consultant at National Economic <br />Research Associates (NERA) responsible for large-scale data collections and economic analysis of mergers and <br />acquisitions for Fortune 500 companies. Ms. Rainey was also previously a public sector management consultant at <br />Booz Allen Hamilton, where she worked with high-level executives within the federal government to define <br />organizational problems, identify and prioritize solutions, and create roadmaps for organizational change. <br />PROJECT EXPERIENCE <br />Low Carbon Economy High Roads Training Partnership EESAMTAC—CWDB, Los Angeles, CA, 612021- <br />312023. <br />Project Manager. Ms. Rainey was the project manager for the EESAMTAC led by ICF and the California and <br />Nevada IBEW/NECA LMCC to expand training and certification to prepare electricians, electrical apprentices, and <br />electrical contractors for the safe and effective assembly, testing, commissioning, maintenance, repair, retrofitting, <br />and decommissioning of energy storage and microgrid systems. The project will expand training from 6 to 21 <br />electrical joint apprenticeship training centers over a 2-year period. <br />Clearinghouse for Labor and Evaluation Research (CLEAR�—DOL, Los Angeles, CA, 812016-Present. <br />Senior Evaluator. Ms. Rainey serves as a senior evaluator for CLEAR, DOL's flagship research and evaluation <br />clearinghouse, the central repository for labor and workforce research and evaluation studies, targeting researchers, <br />practitioner, policy makers, and the general public. The clearinghouse includes impact studies, outcome analyses, <br />process evaluations, and descriptive statistics reports in a range of labor -focused topic areas. Ms. Rainey leverages <br />her significant research, evaluation, and methodological expertise to review individual studies for the clearinghouse, <br />assessing the quality of the evidence through a rigorous process and ultimately summarizing each study's key <br />findings, approach, and quality in a succinct profile to post to CLEAR. Study topic areas have included child labor, <br />mine safety, literacy, and community colleges. In addition, Ms. Rainey provides expertise in developing topic area <br />protocols and reviewing and evolving CLEAR policies and procedures. <br />OCAT—California Department of Social Services, Los Angeles, CA,1212015-612021. <br />,,,,,.: F., .. _. <br />