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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ADDENDUM <br />Bristol Street Widening Phase ILIA — Civic Center Drive to Washington Avenue <br />determine whether or not a project would contribute to air pollutant violations. If a project exceeds the <br />regional air pollutant thresholds, then the project would substantially contribute to air quality violations in <br />the SCAB. In addition, a project would also contribute to air pollutant violations if localized emissions <br />result in an exceedance of the ambient air quality standards (AAQS). <br />Based on the Air Quality Assessment Report performed by URS Corporation (2013a) for the Project, <br />short-term emissions generated during Project -related construction activities would not exceed the <br />SCAQMD regional emissions thresholds for any of the criteria pollutants and also would not substantially <br />elevate localized concentrations of these pollutants. Consequently, the Project would be consistent with <br />the Air Quality Management Plant (AQMP). Long-term emissions generated by the Project would not <br />exceed the SCAQMD thresholds for regional emissions and would therefore also not contribute to an <br />increase in frequency or severity of air quality violations. <br />The proposed Project would be consistent with the Major Arterial designation of the City of Santa Ana <br />General Plan Circulation Element and the County of Orange's Master Plan of Arterial Highways. <br />Additionally, the Project would improve traffic flow and result in a reduction in air pollutant emissions. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />No additional new mitigation measures are required. <br />b.) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality <br />violation? <br />Short-term emissions were modeled for the construction phase of the proposed Project. Construction <br />activities associated with the Project would include demolition of pavement and buildings, fine grading, <br />trenching, paving, and development of ancillary structures. During construction activities, emissions from <br />heavy equipment exhaust, delivery trucks, and fugitive dust would be generated for a short duration. To <br />accurately determine the significance of air quality impacts from construction activities, construction <br />emissions are quantified and compared to the significance thresholds set by the SCAQMD. Project - <br />specific data, such as construction timelines and dimensions of the Project site, along with general <br />operating guidelines, were used as inputs to the SCAQMD's California Emissions Estimator Model <br />(CalEEMod) (version 2011.1.1) to quantify construction emissions. As shown in Table 2, emissions <br />calculated by this model were compared to the SCAQMD's regional significance thresholds to determine <br />whether project emissions would result in a significant air quality impact. <br />As shown in Table 2, emissions attributable to construction of the proposed Project were found to be <br />below the significance thresholds adopted by the SCAQMD for all the analyzed air pollutants. Because <br />emissions were found to be below the SCAQMD's significance thresholds, Project related construction <br />emissions are not considered by the SCAQMD to result in a significant air quality impact. In addition, <br />mitigation measures included in the 1990 FEIS/ETR would further reduce construction -related air quality <br />impacts. <br />ANA 305-011 (PLR 02) CITY OF SANTA ANA (01/19/2015) YU PAGE 30 <br />