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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ADDENDUM <br />Bristol Street Widening Phase IIIA -- Civic Center Drive to Washington Avenue <br />of Bristol Street from Civic Center Drive to Washington Avenue to address existing and projected traffic <br />congestion. Increases in roadway capacity would result in improvement in the LOS along Bristol Street. <br />The improvement in LOS would result in increases in average vehicle speed and reductions in the amount <br />of delay vehicles experience at intersections thereby resulting in both lower emissions and lower <br />emissions rates associated with higher vehicle speeds. As such, the Project would continue to result in a <br />beneficial impact. Implementation of the proposed Project would not result in greater impacts than <br />previously analyzed in the 1990 FEISIEIR. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />No additional new mitigation measures are required. <br />d.) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? <br />A project could have the potential to expose sensitive receptors to elevated pollutant concentrations if it <br />would cause or contribute substantially to elevated pollutant concentration levels or place the Project in <br />an area with elevated pollutant concentrations. An evaluation of air pollutant emissions as it affects local <br />sensitive receptors has been conducted for both the construction and operations phases of the Project. <br />Localized Construction Impacts <br />Localized air pollutant emissions are evaluated relative to the exposure of local sensitive uses to air <br />pollutant concentrations generated by the proposed Project. These are pollutant concentrations which can <br />be directly correlated to the health -based ambient air quality standards. This differs from regional <br />emissions which were discussed previously in that regional emissions are used to assess how much air <br />pollution is generated within an air basin and does not have a direct correlation with health effects. <br />Localized Significance Thresholds (LSTs) have been developed by the SCAQMD for nitrogen oxides <br />(NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), PM10, and PM2.5• The LSTs determine whether project -related emissions <br />would substantially contribute to or exceed the ambient air quality standards and expose sensitive <br />receptors to excessive concentrations of air pollutants. The LSTs differ based on distance such that a <br />greater allowance in air pollutant emissions is allowed for construction activities occurring further from a <br />sensitive use and a lesser allowance in emissions is given for construction activities occurring closer to <br />sensitive uses. <br />Only short-term emissions occurring at the Project site for the Project's construction phase were included <br />to determine if sensitive receptors local to the Project site would be adversely affected. Emissions <br />generated by construction activities disperse rapidly with distance from the construction site. Individual <br />construction phases were compared against the SCAQMD's LST significance criteria. As shown in Table <br />5, Project emissions would not exceed the LST screening level criteria for CO, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), <br />PM10, or PM2.5. Because emissions associated with this alternative would be less than the LST, onsite <br />construction emissions would not be expected to exceed the federal or California AAQS at the nearest <br />sensitive receptors. As such, no significant air quality impacts related to localized air pollutants would <br />occur from the construction phase. <br />TABLES LOCALIZED SIGNIFICANCE THRESHOLDS ANALYSIS FOR CONSTRUCTION <br />ACTIVITIES <br />CRITERIA R'OLLUTANTS (LBSIDAY) <br />CONSTRUCTION PHASE' <br />NOx CO PM10 PM2.5 <br />Demolifion 66 41 4 1 3 <br />Grading 60 34 6 14 <br />ANA 305-011 (PER 02) CITY Of, SANTA ANA (01/19/2015) YU PAGE. 33 <br />