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meetings of any board or committee established by <br />Tenant to direct the operation of the Program, and <br />shall allow the City to have a representative <br />present at any such meeting in a participatory but <br />non -voting role. <br />B. The City agrees to grant to Tenant a maximum sum of <br />$20,000 for the payment of costs incurred by Tenant for the <br />remodelling of the Premises and for tenant improvements and <br />equipment, as necessary for the use of the Premises for the <br />Program. No portion of the sums granted to Tenant for such <br />purposes shall be used for the operating expenses of the Program. <br />Payment of funds pursuant to this section shall be conditional upon <br />(1) the prior written approval of Tenant's expenditures pursuant to <br />this section by the Executive Director of the City's Community <br />Redevelopment Agency (which approval shall not be unreasonably <br />withheld) , and (2) the submission to the said Executive Director of <br />reasonable evidence of costs incurred by Tenant pursuant to this <br />section. <br />4. TAXES <br />Tenant recognizes and understands that this rental agreement <br />may create a possessory interest subject to property taxation. <br />Tenant hereby agrees to pay any and all property taxes and <br />assessments levied on such interest during the term of this Lease <br />before said taxes become delinquent. <br />5. UTILITIES <br />Tenant shall be solely responsible to make all arrangements <br />for and to pay for all water, gas, heat, light, power, telephone, <br />and other utility services supplied to the Premises together with <br />any taxes thereon and for all connection charges. <br />6. MAINTENANCE <br />Subject to the grant of funds by the City to Tenant in <br />accordance with Section 3 of this Agreement, Tenant accepts the <br />Premises in an "as is" condition and agrees as follows: <br />A. The City shall have no responsibility for placing the <br />Premises in a condition fit for use by the Tennant; <br />B. The City have any no responsibility to repair or replace <br />any portion of the Premises which is not in good condi- <br />tion, whether the defective or substandard condition of <br />such portion of the Premises originated prior to or after <br />the commencement of the term of this Lease; <br />C. The City shall have no liability to the Tenant, nor to <br />K <br />