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VI. GOALS AND OBJECTIVESIIMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY <br />In the space below, please list the primary goals and objectives for your program. Provide ` <br />projected numbers of Santa Ana residents to be served, and the kinds of services they would <br />receive if your program is funded. Also describe the specific actions and tasks that would be <br />performed on a day -today basis to achieve these goals. //0 5 -4 AA KE5..10CA.)TS <br />_Goal 1: To improve individual life skills which promote self-sufficiency <br />Objective: Provide comprehensive case management services <br />o Task/Action: <br />• Complete an assessment on each client <br />• Develop an individual program plan based on client needs <br />• Hold weekly case management meetings <br />• Evaluate case management services upon client exit <br />Objective: provide on -site life skills classes <br />o TasklAction: <br />• Conduct focus groups to determine topics of interest <br />• Recruit professionals to facilitate life skills classes <br />• Schedule life skills classes monthly at each program <br />• Evaluate speakers/classes to determine effectiveness <br />Goal 2: To increase job skills and promote employability by Providingjob develo ment services <br />Objective: Identify clients in need of job development services <br />o TasklAction: <br />• Case manager to assess clients for need' <br />• Case manager to refer appropriate clients to job developer <br />Objective; Identify action plan for job development clients <br />o Task/Action: <br />• Career and Job Developer (CJD) to assess each client <br />• CJD to complete a vocational case plan on each client <br />• CJD provides job development services as outlined on vocational case plan <br />Objective: Offer job development workshops <br />o TasklAction: <br />• CJD to identify workshop topics <br />• CJD to develop and facilitate workshops <br />• Evaluate workshops to determine effectiveness <br />Goal 3: To increase permanent housing resources available to clients <br />Objective: establish an in-house housing committee <br />o TasklAction: <br />• recruit members for committee <br />■ develop committee guidelines <br />Objective: to provide alternative housing options to clients <br />o Task/Action: <br />■ attend community meetings that address housing issues <br />• assist clients with applying for subsidized housing programs <br />• research shared housing programs in Orange County <br />• create a housing resource guide for resident and staff use <br />-7-0f-" <br />,Exgi a r , <br />