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agent, consultant, officer, or elected or appointed official of CITY, or of any desig- <br />nated public agencies, or the SUBRECIPIENT. <br />II. CITY'S OBLIGATIONS <br />A. CITY shall pay to SUBRECIPIENT from funds received under the ESG <br />when, if and to the extent received from HUD, amounts expended by <br />SUBRECIPIENT in carrying out said program pursuant to this Agreement up to a <br />maximum aggregate amount of Sixteen Thousand Dollars ($16,000.00) in install- <br />ments determined by CITY. Payments shall be made to SUBRECIPIENT through the <br />submission of periodic invoices, in a form prescribed by CITY, detailing such ex- <br />penses. CITY shall pay such invoices within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof <br />provided CITY is satisfied that such expenses have been incurred within the scope <br />of this Agreement and that SUBRECIPIENT is in compliance with the terms and <br />conditions of this Agreement. <br />Costs incurred prior to the effective date of this Agreement, accrued as of <br />the first day of July 1999, for purposes identified in Paragraph 1 of this Agree- <br />ment will be allowable for reimbursement upon presentation of evidence of and in- <br />voices for such expenditures. <br />B. CITY shall include an audit of the account maintained by SUBRECIPIENT <br />pursuant to Section I.G. above in CITY's annual audit of all funds pursuant to the <br />Code of Federal Regulations and other applicable federal laws and regulations. <br />111. NONDISCRIMINATION <br />SUBRECIPIENT agrees that no person on the ground of race, color, national <br />origin, religion or sex will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits <br />of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole <br />or in part with ESG funds. <br />IV. SPECIAL CERTIFICATION FOR RELIGIOUS ENTITIES <br />In addition to, and not in substitution for, other provisions of this Agreement <br />regarding said program using federal funds, SUBRECIPIENT: <br />A. Represents -that it is, or may be deemed to be, a religious or denomina- <br />tional institution or organization or an organization operated for religious purposes <br />that is supervised or controlled by or in connection with a religious or denomina- <br />tional institution or organization; <br />0 <br />