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Item 19 - Agreement with Cumming Management Group, Inc. for Climate Action Plan Update
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 19 - Agreement with Cumming Management Group, Inc. for Climate Action Plan Update
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9/26/2024 11:51:52 AM
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City Clerk
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(9) <br />INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />EXHIBIT I <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />In December of 2015, the City of Santa Ana City Council approved the City's first Climate Action Plan <br />(CAP), which described how greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the City of Santa Ana were to be <br />reduced in accordance with statewide targets through the implementation of certain mitigation measures. <br />The measures established in the CAP were projected to accomplish the goals of a 15% reduction in <br />community -wide emissions by 2020 and nearly reach a 30% reduction by 2035. The CAP measures <br />affecting municipal operations were projected to accomplish goals of 30% reduction by 2020 and a 40% <br />reduction by 2035. The CAP can be found on the Climate Action page of the City's website: <br /> <br />oads/2022/03/Climate-Action-Plan. pdf <br />The CAP outlined greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction measures for the following GHG emission producing <br />sectors: Transportation and Land Use, Energy, Solid Waste, Water, and Wastewater. Since the CAP's <br />adoption, the City has implemented several measures that likely have resulted in a decrease in the City's <br />GHG emissions. <br />In the CAP, the City committed to progress reports to track and monitor implementation of the document, <br />which was not completed and will be assessed as part of the deliverables of this scope of work. <br />The City has since updated the Circulation Element of the General Plan, which includes Complete Streets <br />policies to bring the City in compliance with the Complete Streets Act. The City has also adopted a <br />Pedestrian Master Plan, Facilities Master Plan, Parks Master Plan, and updates to its Bicycle Master <br />Plan. All plans outline and prioritize active transportation, multi -modal mobility, and open space and <br />recreation improvements. The construction of the Orange County (OC) Streetcar will also be finalized by <br />2025, providing a clean electric transit mode for transit -dependent commuters within Santa Ana. The City <br />has established a Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Acquisition Policy to be environmentally sensitive <br />in the purchasing the leasing of vehicles for City use, and is implementing a citywide Smart Water Meter <br />Program with automated meter upgrades to help save water and support sustainability efforts. <br />MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AND OBJECTIVES <br />The consultant or consultant team should have demonstrated experience in completing work on climate <br />action plans/projects in cities or counties which developed mitigation measures/performance standards <br />that considered factors such as topography, infrastructure, climate, transit/active transportation options, <br />and private vs. public land ownership. <br />1. Staff require a consultant with significant experience in climate action plan development, long <br />term monitoring plans, GHG inventories, index updates and data analysis. <br />2. Consultant will have demonstrated knowledge of climate equity and the ability to incorporate <br />equity into their analysis. <br />3. The chosen consultant will be responsive, reliable, excellent at communication and organizations, <br />and demonstrate significant expertise. <br />4. Flexibility is necessary for ad hoc meetings with departments and City staff that implement the <br />CAP. <br />5. Occasional need for the Consultant to present to City leadership, City Council, and Mayor's Office. <br />
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