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Item 19 - Agreement with Cumming Management Group, Inc. for Climate Action Plan Update
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 19 - Agreement with Cumming Management Group, Inc. for Climate Action Plan Update
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(9) <br />SCOPE OF WORK: <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Climate Action Plan Update <br />The City of Santa Ana is currently updating the city's Climate Action Plan (CAP) originally adopted in <br />2015. Support services under this task include: municipal and City-wide greenhouse gas inventories, <br />baseline and forecasted greenhouse gas inventories (including business -as -usual) subject to goal setting <br />years, strategy and action selection and quantification, strategy and action prioritization, and other <br />technical support services identified through the development of the updated CAP. <br />Current updates should help to measure the progress of the CAP, build on past successes and provide <br />any necessary revisions, adding or modifying any targets, goals, or measures to reflect current <br />technologies, policies and government mandates. <br />The anticipated Scope of Work is described below. The consultant proposal narrative should adequately <br />describe consultant's approach and methodology for achieving the tasks described below. <br />Task 1: Project Management <br />Coordinate and schedule regular client communications including project team management and project <br />invoicing. <br />Assess funding opportunities for CAP update to help inform measure development. Develop clear and <br />actionable governance charter to outline clear roles and responsibilities for different City groups during <br />CAP implementation. <br />Task 2: Stakeholder Engagement <br />Develop and implement a public engagement plan that effectively involves interested and affected <br />stakeholders in identifying needs, priorities, and values related to the CAP update. Stakeholders include <br />City Council, the City's Environmental Justice Action Committee, the City's Environmental and <br />Transportation Advisory Commission, and Santa Ana businesses and residents. Include strategies to <br />reach groups and individuals traditionally under -represented in local government decision making. <br />Provide support for implementation of the public engagement plan including, but not limited to, <br />preparation of informational materials and in -person attendance and presentation at all public <br />engagement events and public meetings. <br />Deliverables: Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Community Engagement Plan, as -needed presentations, <br />and informational materials <br />Task 3: CAP Revisions <br />The CAP update should follow guidance from Countywide / Regional Climate Action Planning <br />recommendations, policies, and best practices to update and build upon this effort monitor and reduce <br />GHG inventories. For each focus area, recalibration of clear targets aligned with benefits via the <br />identification of specific targets for 2030 and 2045 with greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The <br />revisions should include an assessment of the feasibility, equitability of implementation and alignment to <br />core benefits, including key actions and supporting actions. <br />The CAP revision should consider the framework and strategies outlined in the City's General Plan, align <br />with regional and state Climate Action Plan efforts, and incorporate potential federal, state, or other grant <br />and funding opportunities. <br />The revisions shall: <br />• Utilize the latest available GHG inventory data available to the State or County; <br />• Evaluate existing GHG reduction targets <br />• Develop a list of potential revised and new CAP measures regarding GHG reduction <br />• Update a weighted prioritization matrix for CAP measures <br />
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