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(9) <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />• Rank climate actions by operational feasibility, community priorities collected through <br />engagement activities and opportunities for equitable implementation <br />• Conduct a benefit -cost analysis of all CAP measures <br />• Include social equity considerations including policy objectives, program ideas, and generation <br />of green jobs <br />• Identify opportunities for workforce and community capacity building <br />• Update CAP implementation monitoring procedures, as needed <br />• Prepare appropriate environmental review documentation (if necessary) <br />• Prepare a draft and final CAP document update <br />Deliverables: SWOT Analysis; Draft CAP update document; Final CAP update document; Workforce <br />Development Plan; and interim draft materials, as needed. <br />Task 4: Ongoing Monitoring and Reporting <br />The Consultant shall provide a recommendation on the most straightforward and most effective ongoing <br />monitoring and reporting policies that Staff can use to provide routine updates to various commissions <br />and the City Council including methods to measuring and reporting on the GHG emissions reductions <br />achieved as a result of implementation actions. <br />Deliverables: Plan for Measuring and Verifying Impact of Measures; Reporting matrix or mechanism to <br />generate ongoing monitoring and routine reporting. <br />Task 5: Other Technical Support as Assigned <br />To support other aspects of this project not specifically included in this scope, but potentially necessary <br />for the success of the project, plan to provide additional services, as needed. Additional support could <br />include, but is not limited to, technological and data utilization, conducting follow-up policy development, <br />quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, legal and regulatory analysis, and other topics as needed <br />based on direction from City staff. Optional work conducted under this task will be billed on a time and <br />materials basis, but must remain within the agreed upon contract amount. <br />Analysis and data from platforms such as the EPA's Enviromental Justice Screen; CalEnviroScreen 4.0; <br />the CDC Environmental Justice Index Map; California Healthy Places Index; etc. <br />Deliverables: To be determined. <br />