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Item 13 - Approve Agreements with Carahsoft Technology Corp. and IK Consulting, LLC
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 13 - Approve Agreements with Carahsoft Technology Corp. and IK Consulting, LLC
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Last modified
9/26/2024 1:42:59 PM
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9/25/2024 8:01:15 AM
City Clerk
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2. Per the clarification request, the City is seeking Proposers with specific experience with similar <br />implementations as well as experience with similar sized California agencies, particularly those <br />in Orange County. <br />A. IKC confirms that we have the ability to access a configured environment from a similar <br />California Accela Civic Platform implementation that has all processes available on line. <br />B. We have requested and received permission from both Huntington Beach, CA and Chino, <br />CA to demonstrate their processes. Huntington Beach, CA is within the Orange County <br />area, while Chino, CA is in the San Bernardino County area. We have several other <br />jurisdictions that have given us permission in the past to demonstrate their <br />implementations and we could provide them if requested. Huntington Beach and Chino <br />have department structures similar to those identified in the Santa Ana RFP, with <br />comparable record types. Additionally, both cities maintain jurisdiction -specific record <br />types tailored to their unique needs. <br />3. Per the clarification request, the City desires a more agile/iterative approach to analysis, <br />configuration and testing as opposed to a waterfall methodology. <br />A. Following an agile approach, IKC proposes the following updated Project Plan. This plan <br />incorporates seven (7) sprints for the project. The Project Manager will work with staff <br />during project kickoff to determine the most effective breakdown of processes within the <br />sprints. These sprint starts are staggered, and will run in parallelto reduce project delays. <br />B. IKC has created a full project plan utilizing the agile approach, see Appendix A. <br />C. This approach is acceptable to IKC. <br />D. Updated project plan items <br />i. Test Scripts — IKC will develop test script checklists for each process which will <br />include variations of all specific automations incorporated for each process and <br />will match the overall configuration documentation. Specific use case scenarios <br />will be incorporated, with input from staff during the analysis process, to ensure <br />well rounded testing prior to go -live. <br />ii. On -Site Presence — The travel budget has been updated to incorporate onsite <br />resources for all analysis sessions, configuration reviews, testing reviews for each <br />sprint and test documentation. See the included Santa Ana — Price <br />Sheet—IKC—Revised spreadsheet for updated travel budget. <br />iii. Multi -Phased Approach — IKC will ensure that the project is carefully structured to <br />align with the two specific phases as requested by the City, allowing for a clear <br />and organized progression at each phase. <br />• Phase 1 detailed project plan is attached as Appendix A. <br />• Phase 2 recommendations can be found on the Santa Ana — Price <br />Sheet—IKC—Revised spreadsheet. <br />
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