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B. Accela Free Courses to consider <br />Accela offers several free online courses for both End Users and Administrators. For this <br />initial implementation we believe the most effective training options will be via the <br />training schedule above which is focused on your jurisdiction's specific configuration. <br />Post go -live these free Accela courses will be a great tool for bringing new staff up to <br />speed. Key courses that IKC would recommend for new System Administrators are: <br />Oxygen User Interface End -user Training <br />Civic Platform Basics <br />Civic Platform: Working with Records <br />The Oxygen User Interface, An Admins Perspective <br />Accela New Release Training <br />Key courses that IKC would recommend for new End Users are: <br />Oxygen User Interface End -user Training <br />Civic Platform Basics <br />Civic Platform: Working with Records <br />C. Accela U Paid Courses to consider <br />Accela provides a wide range of highly effective paid courses via Accela U, many of which <br />are also available through IKC. We recommend considering the following two courses: <br />Ad Hoc Reports — Ideal for both End Users and Administrators, this course empowers <br />participants to create reports quickly and efficiently without needing SQL query <br />experience. <br />Accela Insights Administration — Designed for Administrators, this course offers an in- <br />depth understanding of the configuration and management of the Accela Insights <br />reporting tool. <br />IKC again appreciates the opportunity to be considered for Santa Ana's Request for Proposal. If we <br />can be of any further assistance, or if you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to <br />reach out. <br />Sincerely, <br />Melis Kern <br />Managing Partner <br />IK Consulting, LLC <br />