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PROJECT APPROACH <br />STATE MANDATE REIMBURSEMENT INFORMATION <br />The SB 90 process is constantly changing and evolving. MGT will provide targeted, relevant <br />communication on statewide issues, interpretations, and actions at the state capitol relating to <br />the SB 90 process throughout the fiscal year via MGT Instant UpdatesO, a series of e-mail <br />communiques designed to keep our clients <br />up to date with the latest mandate , <br />0 INSTANT 9 DATE <br />legislation, California Commission on State ' <br />Mandates decisions, and state agencyIN THIS ISSUE <br />interpretations. MGT will sort through all of 4,.. . <br />the pertinent activity to provide the City with - - <br />the most relevant information throughout <br />the year, saving the City time and resources. MCT <br />AUDIT ASSISTANCE <br />MGT will monitor State Controller requests <br />or issues that could affect the City's SB 90 <br />claims. MGT will also provide liaison <br />assistance with the SCO at the desk review <br />level. The SCO may call requesting <br />additional information, or duplicate <br />documentation that may have been <br />misplaced in their offices. Our firm will field <br />these calls and fulfill all appropriate <br />requests without the need for the City's <br />involvement, if possible. <br />024202e Hu May Revision <br />bert�,.vm.mobWw�l.�'.,h,�.ww,�pe�W [wpnnm_aioirw� <br />eaoarnN <br />ff=i. RMU-23 Frans I`YZR615 <br />MC,T <br />Nobody wants to see the SCO auditing their <br />claims, but higher levels of scrutiny are a <br />fact of life. Our team has extensive experience preparing local agencies for field audits and <br />assisting in their representation beyond the exit conference. <br />This engagement includes up to four hours of audit assistance. If the City requests additional <br />audit assistance, MGT will bill the City at the Consultant's hourly rate. <br />MCT SB 90 STATE MA DAT DI CCOSTOBER REIMBURSEMENT SERVICES PAGE 9 <br />