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DocuSign Envelope ID: 9EOODCF9-CB2D-429E-9C75-BECB90054AA3 <br />kind or nature, including but not limited to personal injury or property damage, arising from or <br />related to the services, products or other performance provided by Contractor pursuant to this <br />Contract. If judgment is entered against Contractor and County by a court of competent jurisdiction <br />because of the concurrent active negligence of County or County Indemnitees, Contractor and <br />County agree that liability will be apportioned as determined by the court. Neither party shall <br />request a jury apportionment. <br />AA. AUDITS/INSPECTIONS: Contractor agrees to permit the County's Auditor -Controller or the <br />Auditor -Controller's authorized representative (including auditors from a private auditing firm <br />hired by the County) access during normal working hours to all books, accounts, records, reports, <br />files, financial records, supporting documentation, including payroll and accounts <br />payable/receivable records, and other papers or property of Contractor for the purpose of auditing <br />or inspecting any aspect of performance under this Contract. The inspection and/or audit will be <br />confined to those matters connected with the performance of the Contract including, but not limited <br />to, the costs of administering the Contract. The County will provide reasonable notice of such an <br />audit or inspection. <br />BB. CONTINGENCY OF FUNDS: Contractor acknowledges that funding or portions of funding for this <br />Contract may be contingent upon state budget approval; receipt of funds from, and/or obligation of <br />funds by, the state of California to County; and inclusion of sufficient funding for the services <br />hereunder in the budget approved by County's Board of Supervisors for each fiscal year covered <br />by this Contract. If such approval, funding or appropriations are not forthcoming, or are otherwise <br />limited, County may immediately terminate or modify this Contract without penalty. <br />CC. EXPENDITURE LIMIT: Contractor shall notify the County of Orange assigned Deputy Purchasing <br />Agent in writing when the expenditures against the Contract reach 75 percent of the dollar limit on <br />the Contract. The County will not be responsible for any expenditure overruns and will not pay for <br />work exceeding the dollar limit on the Contract unless a change order to cover those costs has been <br />issued. <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: <br />1. SCOPE OF CONTRACT: This Contract specifies the contractual terms and conditions by which the <br />County will procure Legal Notices, Public Awareness Advertising and Publishing Services from <br />Contractor as further detailed in the Scope of Work, identified and incorporated herein by this <br />reference as Attachment A. <br />2. TERM OF CONTRACT: The initial term of this Contract shall become effective <br />September 15, 2023, and shall continue for five (5) years, unless otherwise terminated as provided <br />herein. <br />AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA): Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as <br />amended; Title VI and VII ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended; Americans with Disabilities <br />Act, 42 USC 12101; California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Title 22: California Government <br />Code, Sections 11135, et seq; and other federal and state laws and executive orders prohibit <br />discrimination. All programs, activities, employment opportunities, and services must be made <br />available to all persons, including persons with disabilities. <br />4. AUTHORIZATION WARRANTY: The Contractor represents and warrants that the person executing <br />this Contract on behalf of and for the Contractor is an authorized agent who has actual authority to <br />bind the Contractor to each and every term, condition and obligation of this Contract and that all <br />requirements of the Contractor have been fulfilled to provide such actual authority. <br />5. BREACH OF CONTRACT: The failure of the Contractor to comply with any of the provisions, <br />covenants or conditions of this Contract shall be a material breach of this Contract. In such event <br />the County may, and in addition to any other remedies available at law, in equity, or otherwise <br />specified in this Contract: <br />County of Orange, County Procurement Office Page 8 of 26 RCA-017-23010049 <br />Legal Notice, Public Awareness Advertising and Publishing File No. 2415301 Daily Journal Corporation <br />Services <br />