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(a CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />3. Description of CERT Mutual Aid Program (CMAP): <br />28+ CERT programs comprised of various agencies throughout Orange County. <br />1. Vision (Hope): The existence of CMAP is to augment the abilities and <br />service of the local public safety agencies during times of <br />overwhelming response to a local or regional disaster. <br />2. Mission (Purpose): The purpose of CMAP is to provide CERT Mutual <br />Aid within Orange County in the event of a disaster. <br />3. Values (Principles/Ethics): You are priority. Safety. Greatest good for <br />the greatest number. <br />4. The NQS provides: <br />1. Foundational guidelines for jurisdictions on the qualification of <br />personnel resources within the National Incident Management <br />System (NIMS). <br />2. A common language and standardized approach for qualifying, <br />certifying, and credentialing incident management and support <br />personnel. <br />3. Tools for jurisdictions and organizations to share resources <br />seamlessly. <br />POSITION TASK BOOK OVERVIEW <br />Position Task Book Example can be found on EXHIBIT V <br />A. What is a PTB? The Position Task Book (PTB) documents a trainee's <br />performance criteria to be certified for a position within the National Qualification <br />System (NQS). The performance criteria are associated with core NQS <br />competencies, behaviors, and tasks. <br />1. Type 1 and 2 tasks within the PTB may be completed in any order; <br />however, before seeking final evaluator verification for a Type 1 <br />position, an individual must complete the Training Matrix & PTB at <br />the Type 2 level. <br />PTB EVALUATION PROCESS <br />PTB Evaluation Process Examples can be found on EXHIBIT VI <br />A. Evaluators shall observe and review a trainee's completion of PTB tasks, initialing <br />and dating each successfully completed task in the PTB. <br />B. Evaluators shall complete an Evaluation Record Form by documenting the <br />trainee's performance after each evaluation period. <br />RFP 24-086A City of Santa Ana Page 19 of 64 <br />