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Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/16/2022 Regular
Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-12 <br />under OPSG include patrol vehicles and other mission-specific equipment whose primary purpose <br />is to increase operational capabilities on or near a border nexus in support of approved border <br />security operations. A detailed justification must be submitted to the respective FEMA HQ <br />Preparedness Officer prior to purchase. <br />• Medical Emergency Countermeasures: Allowable purchases under OPSG include narcotic <br />antagonist pharmaceuticals, detection and identification equipment, safe storage and <br />transportation, personnel protective equipment, and initial equipment training, as reflected in the <br />AEL and explained in IB 438. <br /> <br />Requirements for Small Unmanned Aircraft System (SHSP, UASI, and OPSG) <br />All requests to purchase Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) with FEMA grant funding must comply <br />with IB 426 and IB 438 and also include a description of the policies and procedures in place to safeguard <br />individuals’ privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties of the jurisdiction that will purchase, take title to or <br />otherwise use the sUAS equipment. <br /> <br />Acquisition and Use of Technology to Mitigate UAS (Counter-UAS) <br />In August 2020, FEMA was alerted of an advisory guidance document issued by DHS, the Department of <br />Justice, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Federal Communications Commission: <br /> <br />The purpose of the advisory guidance document is to help non-federal public and private entities better <br />understand the federal laws and regulations that may apply to the use of capabilities to detect and mitigate <br />threats posed by UAS operations (i.e., Counter-UAS or C-UAS). <br /> <br />The Departments and Agencies issuing the advisory guidance document, and FEMA, do not have the <br />authority to approve non-federal public or private use of UAS detection or mitigation capabilities, nor do <br />they conduct legal reviews of commercially available product compliance with those laws. The advisory <br />does not address state and local laws nor potential civil liability, which UAS detection and mitigation <br />capabilities may also implicate. <br /> <br />It is strongly recommended that, prior to the testing, acquisition, installation, or use of UAS detection <br />and/or mitigation systems, entities seek the advice of counsel experienced with both federal and state <br />criminal, surveillance, and communications laws. Entities should conduct their own legal and technical <br />analysis of each UAS detection and/or mitigation system and should not rely solely on vendors’ <br />representations of the systems’ legality or functionality. Please also see the DHS press release on this <br />topic for further information: <br />technology-detect-and-mitigate-unmanned-aircraft. <br /> <br />Training (SHSP and UASI) <br />Allowable training-related costs under HSGP include the establishment, support, conduct, and attendance of <br />training specifically identified under the SHSP and UASI program and/or in conjunction with emergency <br />preparedness training by other federal agencies (e.g., HHS and Department of Transportation [DOT]). <br />Training conducted using HSGP funds should address a performance gap identified through an Integrated <br />Preparedness Plan (IPP) or other assessments (e.g., National Emergency Communications Plan [NECP] <br />Goal Assessments) and contribute to building a capability that will be evaluated through a formal exercise. <br />Any training or training gaps, including training related to under-represented diverse populations that may <br />be more impacted by disasters, including children, seniors, individuals with disabilities or access and <br />functional needs, individuals with diverse culture and language use, individuals with lower economic <br />capacity and other underserved populations, should be identified in an IPP and addressed in the state or <br />high-risk urban area training cycle. Recipients are encouraged to use existing training rather than developing
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