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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-22 <br />Planning to Deliver Capabilities <br />Recipients shall develop and maintain, jurisdiction-wide, all threats and hazards Emergency Operations <br />Plans (EOPs) consistent with Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101, Version 2.0 (CPG 101 v2), <br />Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans (November 2010). Recipients must update <br />their EOPs at least once every two years. <br /> <br />Reporting <br />• Recipients report EOP compliance with CPG 101 v2 by completing the secondary CPG-101 <br />assessment in the URT. <br /> <br />Validating Capabilities <br />All recipients will develop and maintain a progressive exercise program consistent with HSEEP guidance <br />in support of the NEP. The NEP serves as the principal exercise mechanism for examining national <br />preparedness and measuring readiness. The NEP is a two-year cycle of exercises across the nation that <br />validates capabilities in all preparedness mission areas. The two-year NEP cycle is guided by Principals’ <br />Strategic Priorities, established by the National Security Council and informed by preparedness data from <br />jurisdictions across the Nation. <br /> <br />To develop and maintain a progressive exercise program consistent with HSEEP and in support of the <br />NEP, recipients should engage senior leaders and other whole community stakeholders to identify <br />preparedness priorities. These priorities should be informed by various factors, including jurisdiction- <br />specific threats and hazards (i.e., the THIRA); areas for improvement identified by real-world events and <br />exercises; external requirements such as state or national preparedness reports, homeland security policy, <br />and industry reports; and accreditation standards, regulations, or legislative requirements. Recipients <br />should document these priorities and use them to deploy a schedule of preparedness events in a multi-year <br />IPP. Information related to Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshops (IPPWs) can be found on the <br />HSEEP website at <br />and <br /> <br />The NEP provides exercise sponsors the opportunity to receive exercise design and delivery assistance, <br />tools and resources, enhanced coordination, and the ability to directly influence and inform policy and <br />preparedness programs. If you have any questions, or would like to request assistance through the NEP, <br />please visit the NEP website at:, or reach out to the <br />National Exercise Program directly at <br /> <br />• Recipients must have a current multi-year IPP that identifies preparedness priorities and <br />activities. The current multi-year IPP must be submitted to before January <br />31 of each year. <br />o Recipients are encouraged to enter their exercise information into the Preparedness <br />Toolkit at <br />• Recipients must submit After-Action Report (AAR)/Improvement Plans (IPs) to <br /> and indicate which fiscal year’s funds were used (if applicable). <br />• Submission of AAR/IPs must take place no later than December 31 of each year. For exercises <br />that occur within the final quarter of a calendar year, submission of AAR/IPs must occur within <br />90 days after completion of the single exercise. Regardless of conduct date, recipients are <br />encouraged to submit AAR/IPs within 90 days after completion of the single exercise or <br />progressive series. <br />o Recipients are encouraged to submit AAR/IPs reflecting tabletop exercises that validate <br />critical plans or those reflecting large-scale functional or full-scale exercises that took