<br />
<br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-25
<br />with other fusion centers across the country and with the Federal Government through a variety
<br />of systems, databases, tools, and technologies that allow for federated searching and
<br />data/information analysis that protects Personally Identifiable Information and includes
<br />appropriate security, privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties protections. This includes
<br />maintenance of the ability to collect, integrate, evaluate, and assess SAR, tips/leads, data resident
<br />in CAD and RMS, and online/social media-based threats from agencies across the jurisdiction.
<br />Such approaches should also address the evaluation and use of emerging capabilities, including
<br />social network analysis, federated search technology across CAD, RMS, and other data systems,
<br />complex data indexing, social media, open source, facial recognition, unmanned aircraft systems,
<br />geographic information systems (GIS), license plate reader technologies, and other artificial
<br />intelligence technologies.
<br />
<br />• Interagency Collaboration: Fusion centers must maintain strong partnerships to enable
<br />intelligence, operational, investigative, and analytic collaboration and deconfliction of threat
<br />information with other partners located within their jurisdiction and across their region, including
<br />HIDTAs, RISS Centers, DHS intelligence, operational, investigative, and analytic entities, FBI
<br />Field Offices, JTTFs, and major city/county intelligence units.
<br />
<br />State and urban area fusion centers receiving SHSP or UASI grant funds will be evaluated based on
<br />compliance with the guidance and requirements for the National Network as set forth by DHS
<br />Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) through the annual Fusion Center Assessment.
<br />
<br />• Additional fusion center grant requirements are listed at http://www.dhs.gov/homeland-security-
<br />grant-program-hsgp.
<br />• FEMA approved analyst courses that meet the grant requirement are listed at
<br />http://www.dhs.gov/fema-approved-intelligence-analyst-training-courses.
<br />
<br />Through the Program Performance Report (PPR), fusion centers will report on the compliance with
<br />measurement requirements within the fusion centers through the annual Fusion Center Assessment
<br />managed by DHS I&A and reported to FEMA. In addition to the activities identified in the National
<br />Prevention Framework, fusion centers are also required to collaborate with those analytic, investigative,
<br />and information-sharing entities focused on preventing, detecting, deterring, and disrupting acts of
<br />terrorism and combating transnational criminal organizations. Such entities include, but are not limited to
<br />JTTFs, Area Maritime Security Committees, Border Enforcement Security Task Forces, Integrated
<br />Border Enforcement Teams, HIDTAs, and RISS Centers, as well as other federal intelligence,
<br />operational, analytic, and investigative entities. Applicants will be required to provide information
<br />regarding their information sharing partnerships, including how they will identify, address, and
<br />overcome any existing laws, policies, and practices that prevent information sharing, via the
<br />Information and Intelligence National Priority Investment and supporting data via the annual
<br />Fusion Center Assessment.
<br />
<br />Fusion Center Performance Measures
<br />Reference
<br />Number Performance Measures
<br />2021.1 Percentage of federal Information Intelligence Reports (IIRs) originating from fusion center
<br />information that address a specific Intelligence Community need
<br />2021.2 Percentage of federal IIRs originating from fusion center information that the Intelligence
<br />Community otherwise used in performing its mission (e.g., contained first-time reporting;