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Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/16/2022 Regular
Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
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City Clerk
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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-26 <br />Reference <br />Number Performance Measures <br />corroborated existing information; addressed a critical intelligence gaps; or helped to define an issue <br />or target). <br />2021.3 Number of SARs vetted and submitted by fusion centers that result in the initiation or enhancement <br />of an investigation by the FBI <br />2021.4 Number of SAR vetted and submitted by fusion centers that involve an individual on the Watchlist <br />2021.5 Percentage of Requests for Information (RFIs) from the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) for which <br />fusion centers provided information for a TSC case file <br />2021.6 Percentage of I&A Watchlist nominations that were initiated or updated existing case files based on <br />information provided by fusion centers <br />2021.7 Number of distributable analytic products co-authored by one or more fusion centers and/or federal <br />agencies <br />2021.8 Percentage of fusion center distributable analytic products that address Homeland Security topics <br />2021.9 Percentage of fusion center distributable analytic products that address state/local customer <br />information needs <br />2021.10 Percentage of key customers reporting that fusion center products are relevant <br />2021.11 Percentage of key customers reporting that fusion center services are relevant <br />2021.12 Percentage of key customers reporting that fusion center products are timely for mission needs <br />2021.13 Percentage of key customers reporting that fusion center services are timely for mission needs <br />2021.14 Percentage of key customers reporting that fusion center products influenced their decision making <br />related to threat response activities within their AOR <br />2021.15 Percentage of key customers reporting that fusion center services influenced their decision making <br />related to threat response activities within their AOR <br />2021.16 Percentage of key customers reporting that fusion center products resulted in increased situational <br />awareness of threats within their AOR <br />2021.17 Percentage of key customers reporting that fusion center services resulted in increased situational <br />awareness of threats within their AOR <br />2021.18 Number of tips and leads vetted by the fusion center <br />2021.19 Number of tips and leads vetted by the fusion center that were provided to other F/SLTT agencies <br />for follow up action <br />2021.20 Number of responses to RFIs from all sources <br />2021.21 Number of situational awareness products developed and disseminated by fusion centers <br />2021.22 Number of case support and/or tactical products developed and disseminated by fusion centers <br />2021.23 Percentage of federally designated special events in which fusion centers played a direct role <br />2021.24 Percentage of federally declared disasters in which fusion centers played a direct role <br />2021.25 Number of public safety incidents in which fusion centers played a direct role <br /> <br />Continuity of Operations <br />Continuity planning and operations are an inherent element of each core capability and the coordinating <br />structures that provide them. Continuity operations increase resilience and the probability that <br />organizations can perform essential functions in the delivery of core capabilities that support the mission <br />areas. FEMA is responsible for coordinating the implementation and development, execution, and
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