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Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/16/2022 Regular
Item 18 - Adopt Resolution for FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant
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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-32 <br />information such as USCG’s Maritime Security Risk Analysis Model (MSRAM), and USBP Sector <br />Analysis. <br /> <br />Each SHSP- and UASI-funded investment that addresses biological risk, patient care, or health systems <br />preparedness should be implemented in a coordinated manner with other federal programs that support <br />biological and public health incident preparedness such as those administered by HHS ASPR, CDC, and <br />DOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). <br /> <br />Collaboration with Health Care Coalitions (HCCs) <br />HCCs are regional entities comprised of health care, public health, emergency management, and <br />emergency medical services organizations that plan and respond together, leverage resources, and address <br />challenges in health care delivery brought on by public health and medical incidents. Given that many of <br />the risks being mitigated include the potential for a range of mass casualties, including those across the <br />chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, explosive (CBRNE) spectrum, planning efforts should include <br />the participation of HCCs and should take into account the elements and capabilities articulated in the <br />2017-2022 Health Care Preparedness and Response Capabilities <br />( <br />capablities.pdf ). <br /> <br />Collaboration with Nonprofit Organizations <br />SHSP and UASI recipients are encouraged to work with the nonprofit community to address terrorism <br />and all-hazards prevention concerns, seek input on the needs of the nonprofit sector, and support the goals <br />of their investments. <br /> <br />Collaboration with Tribes <br />FEMA strongly encourages states, high-risk urban areas, and territories to work with tribal nations in <br />overall initiatives such as whole community preparedness and emergency management planning. <br /> <br />Whole Community Preparedness <br />SHSP and UASI recipients should engage with the whole community to advance community and <br />individual preparedness and to work as a nation to build and sustain resilience. Recipients should consider <br />the three goals of the 2018-2022 FEMA Strategic Plan in their program design and delivery, specifically <br />Strategic Goal 1: Build a Culture of Preparedness, and Strategic Goal 2: Ready the Nation for <br />Catastrophic Disasters. Recipients should integrate program design and delivery practices that ensure <br />representation and services for under-represented diverse populations that may be more impacted by <br />disasters including children, seniors, individuals with disabilities or access and functional needs, <br />individuals with diverse culture and language use, individuals with lower economic capacity, and other <br />underserved populations. Individual preparedness must be coordinated by an integrated body of <br />government and nongovernmental representatives as well, including but not limited to, elected officials, <br />the private sector (especially privately owned critical infrastructure), private nonprofits, nongovernmental <br />organizations (including faith-based, community-based, and voluntary organizations), advocacy groups <br />for under-represented diverse populations that may be more impacted by disasters including children, <br />seniors, individuals with disabilities or access and functional needs, individuals with diverse culture and <br />language use, individuals with lower economic capacity, and other underserved populations. <br /> <br />In addition to Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) programs, the following preparedness <br />programs are allowable expenses: <br />
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