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<br /> <br /> HSGP Appendix | February 2021 Page A-33 <br />• Financial Preparedness Activities that encourage and assist Americans in preparing for the true <br />cost of disasters. Allowable activities include encouraging emergency savings, promoting home <br />and renter’s insurance, and promoting flood insurance for individuals and families. Partnerships <br />with local financial wellness organizations such as credit unions, financial counselors, community <br />banks, and others that reach a variety of audiences are encouraged. <br />• Preparedness of Community-Based Organizations that serve as a critical safety net for <br />Americans disproportionately impacted by disasters. Examples of community-based <br />organizations include but are not limited to food banks, food pantries, homeless shelters, school <br />readiness and after school centers, adult day care centers, job training centers, legal assistance <br />centers, and cultural centers. Allowable activities include Whole Community exercises, trainings, <br />and activities focused on staff preparedness, information sharing with clients and government, <br />and continuity of essential functions in the event of an emergency. <br />• Youth Preparedness Resources are available on Bolstering youth <br />preparedness across the nation is a priority for FEMA as the Agency works with state, local, <br />tribal, and territorial partners to create a culture of preparedness in the United States. Information <br />on youth-centric educational curricula, games, planning materials, and other relevant resources <br />can be found at Furthermore, FEMA’s Individual and Community <br />Preparedness Division (ICPD) and regional-based Community Preparedness Officers (CPOs) are <br />available to provide grant recipients with guidance and assistance. Please email FEMA- <br /> to contact one of the Agency’s subject matter experts. <br /> <br />The following are examples of youth preparedness activities that grantees are encouraged to <br />undertake as allowable costs: <br />o Reach out to a local school board or elementary school to encourage the adoption of the <br />Student Tools for Emergency Planning (STEP) curriculum. STEP is a classroom-based <br />emergency preparedness curriculum for 4th- and 5th-graders in an easy, ready-to-teach <br />format. Students will learn about disasters, emergencies, and hazards, and how to create a <br />disaster supply kit and family emergency communication plan. An overview of the STEP <br />program along with the instructor guide and student activity book is available at <br /> <br />o Sponsor the creation of a Teen Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in your <br />jurisdiction. The CERT Program is a national program of volunteers trained in disaster <br />preparedness and emergency response. Volunteers come from all ages and all walks of <br />life, including teenagers. Additional information, including a step-by-step guide on how <br />to start a Teen CERT, is available at <br /> <br />The following tools are available to order from FEMA’s warehouse free of charge: <br />o “Prepare with Pedro” is a joint product of FEMA and the American Red Cross. The <br />“Prepare with Pedro: Disaster Preparedness Activity Book” is designed to teach young <br />children and their families about how to stay safe during disasters and emergencies. The <br />book follows Pedro around the United States and offers safety advice through <br />crosswords, coloring pages, matching games, and more. Additional information, <br />including an ordering form, is available at <br />o The Ready 2 Help card game is a fun way for kids to learn how to respond to <br />emergencies by working with friends and using skills that will help in a real emergency. <br />Ready 2 Help teaches five simple steps to stay safe and make a difference until help <br />arrives: <br />• Stay Safe <br />• Stay Calm <br />• Get Help