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Item 15 - Approve Agreements for Agreements for On-Call Engineering Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/16/2022 Regular
Item 15 - Approve Agreements for Agreements for On-Call Engineering Services
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City Clerk
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However, throughout the course of any given <br />project, there may be occasions where project <br />schedules slip for a variety of reasons outside of <br />our control. We have successfully mitigated <br />project schedule delays in the past by increasing <br />the available staff assigned to a project and by <br />assisting our Clients with thorough and timely <br />reviews of deliverables. The Tetra Tech team <br />will always strive to work with the City to bring <br />any foreseeable delays back on schedule. <br />Cost Control <br />The Tetra Tech team is committed to delivering <br />a project that not only meets or exceeds the <br />performance criteria established by the City, but <br />to accomplish this within the allocated budgets. <br />Budget and schedule tracking tools will be used <br />to manage the day-to-day activities of a project <br />and ensure that the project is progressing within <br />schedule and under budget; our Project <br />Manager utilizes Tetra Tech's "PM Portal." The <br />PM Portal is the primary project reporting <br />software system proprietary to Tetra Tech. It <br />provides quick and easy access to a variety of <br />reports for managing projects, in real time, <br />including labor and direct cost per task, <br />subcontractor's costs per task, budget <br />remaining, and other financial information. <br />Risk Management Approach <br />Our risk management approach predicts <br />problems which may negatively impact the <br />project and determines the course of action to <br />mitigate the risk should it occur. Our approach <br />embodies a continuous process of identifying, <br />assessing, mitigating, monitoring, managing, <br />and controlling risk in accordance with our <br />corporate risk management policy and best <br />commercial practices. We have refined this <br />approach over a 50-year history, on a variety of <br />private, state/federal governmental and <br />municipal contracts. <br />Resource Management <br />Tetra Tech employs project management tools <br />that project required labor allocation per project, <br />to the task level, with a three-month forecast. <br />When compared to the expected peak work <br />load, Tetra Tech has more than enough staff <br />capacity to bring on additional resources to meet <br />all of our deadlines. The team members who <br />have been included in this project team were not <br />only selected based on their qualifications that fit <br />with the requirements of the project, but <br />because they are available to commit their time <br />to this project. <br />A tool that Tetra Tech employs to manage <br />available human resources is keeping an <br />updated long-term view of key deliverable dates <br />within Microsoft Project. This allows us to ensure <br />that the intensive last minute subconsultant <br />coordination, reprographics, and shipment of <br />deliverables do not conflict with other <br />commitments. If one or more deadlines coincide, <br />this forward planning allows the team to prepare <br />for surges. <br />Quality Assurance/Quality Control <br />Our team clearly understands the importance of <br />the City's projects and the importance of <br />ensuring that the City receives the highest <br />quality product. Quality management is an <br />integral part of our project management work <br />plan. Tetra Tech has developed an office <br />environment and philosophy which encourages, <br />and requires, a very high level of quality in which <br />our clients have come to expect from Tetra <br />Tech. <br />Our quality assurance program includes that a <br />detailed QA/QC Plan will be prepared and <br />submitted for review by the City, upon request. <br />This plan establishes lines of communication <br />and procedures for ensuring quality during all <br />phases of the project. The plan is flexible and <br />can be modified to respond to your specific <br />requirements, as our best efforts are fruitless <br />unless they meet your criteria. <br />In keeping with our open communications policy, <br />our Quality Control documents can be made <br />available to the City throughout the project. We <br />believe that it is in our best interest to have our <br />clients fully informed and up to date on our <br />quality control process. Design reviews, field <br />inspections, and material testing can be <br />provided to the City in either hard copy or <br />electronically. <br />We recognize that implementation of a QA/QC <br />Plan will be an important element in how the City <br />assesses the success of this project. The <br />QA/QC Plan will be incorporated into the PMP. <br />TETRA TECH Page 114 <br />
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