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Item 22 - Provide Direction Regarding the Future Use of the Vacant Cypress Fire Station
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/16/2022 Regular
Item 22 - Provide Direction Regarding the Future Use of the Vacant Cypress Fire Station
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12/18/2024 9:43:04 AM
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12/18/2024 8:25:26 AM
City Clerk
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City Manager's Office
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You can understand my surprise when I saw that the staff recommendation for the <br />Cypress Fire Station included NONE of these recommendations from the community and <br />instead prioritized use for the Santa Ana Police Department's PAAL program. <br />While a small but forceful number of individuals has been pushing for PAAL use of the <br />building, I have noted in a previous communication to the City and staff that these <br />individuals engaged in concerted efforts to silence and stifle community input that was not <br />in favor of the Cypress Fire Station as a PAAL location. Individuals who DO NOT RESIDE <br />in the Pacific Park Neighborhood were among the strongest advocates for SAPD use of <br />the Cypress Fire Station at the Pacific Park Neighborhood Association meeting. <br />I have also demonstrated how this seems to be coordinated and in cahoots with the SAPD <br />themselves. The SAPD's involvement in disenfranchising community members from use <br />of a public building in their community would be highly unscrupulous and unethical <br />behavior, and should be investigated. <br />Additionally, at the August 2022 Pacific Park Neighborhood Association meeting, the <br />SAPD announced that they would be launching the PAAL program in the Roosevelt <br />Walker Community Center. While this announcement also caused concern, it makes no <br />sense that the SAPD needs TWO PAAL locations in Pacific Park. Therefore, staff should <br />NOT have recommended SAPD use of the Cypress Fire Station. <br />Because of these alarming issues and irregularities, I strongly urge you to table Agenda <br />Item #22 and explore other uses for the Cypress Fire Station that are more in line with <br />what the majority of the community input requested and needs. <br />I also urge you to direct City staff to engage the Santa Ana Unified School District, Santa <br />Ana College and the Santa Ana Public Library on possible partnerships to deliver critical <br />educational, technology and career development training at the space. <br />Given the aforementioned facts, I am sure you will agree that Agenda Item #22 as <br />recommended should not be approved. Please vote to table the item as written in order to <br />create a recommendation for use of the Cypress Fire Station that is not a sham and a <br />waste of a valuable opportunity to provide critical digital resources to Santa Ana residents <br />of all ages. <br />Do not hesitate to contact me at 619-701-0073 if you have any questions. <br />Sincerely, <br />Victor Payan <br />Pacific Park Resident <br />Santa Ana Arts Leader <br />N <br />
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