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Item 22 - Provide Direction Regarding the Future Use of the Vacant Cypress Fire Station
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
08/16/2022 Regular
Item 22 - Provide Direction Regarding the Future Use of the Vacant Cypress Fire Station
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12/18/2024 9:43:04 AM
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City Clerk
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Wojaczynski, Brittany <br />From: <br />Tim Johnson <> <br />Sent: <br />Tuesday, August 16, 2022 2:43 PM <br />To: <br />eComment <br />Cc: <br />Sarmiento, Vicente; Lopez, Jessie; Hernandez, Johnathan; Bacerra, Phil; Phan, Thai; <br />Penaloza, David; Mendoza, Nelida <br />Subject: <br />Item 22 (8.16.22 council agenda) <br />Mayor, MPT, and Council ... with regards to Item 22 tonight on the Cypress Fire Station, I would encourage you to not <br />limit the discussion to just either a 1) PAAL center or 2) leased out to a non-profit. I think we should speak with the <br />community to determine what they are truly needing in the area. This may include a PAAL center, a new library, a new <br />digital library and e-services space, etc... Further, I do not think we should only be looking at PAAL or leasing to an <br />outside group. We have a great Library and P&R department that may be able to speak into this space if provided the <br />time, space, and money. <br />It is my understanding that there is a PAAL not too far away at Newhope that is not yet really fully functioning for very <br />long. Do we need another in this area? Are they serving a new population of youth? Perhaps they are expanding the <br />age that they are seeking to provide activities for beyond ages 8 to 11. With the main library in Civic Center closing for <br />renovations, does the city have a plan for providing library services for our youth and residents? Perhaps this Cypress <br />space would be a good thing to consider. These are questions that I have and I believe others may also have which <br />would be helpful to know the answers too. <br />Or, maybe there is room for multiple uses at Cypress. Perhaps a digital library, community meeting space, senior <br />services/craft hours, youth craft hours, office hours for PAAL, tutoring time, STEM projects, etc ... we should not limit our <br />thinking but instead expand it for the best use of the community. Mulit-use space that can be dynamically changed <br />based on the needs of the community may not be what has been done in the past but may be what is needed in the <br />future. At a minimum, I believe we should at least consider the ability to expand library services into this unique space <br />for the benefit of our community. <br />I pray that we make a good educated decision that is best for the community and not one that is made quickly without <br />consideration of alternatives. The Cypress Firehouse is a unique historic space that deserves respect and consideration. <br />Proudly part of qhe Wgilol family <br />•4. 860-9892 <br />0-0 l l 6 <br />o o <br />2601 INAa!n Srcece , Sul 580, Irviirct, CA 9261- <br />See our latest business neiA✓s and insights by clicking here <br />
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