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Item 34 - Resolution Amending the Council Rules and Procedures to Address Audio, Video, for City Council Meetings
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 34 - Resolution Amending the Council Rules and Procedures to Address Audio, Video, for City Council Meetings
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Last modified
1/15/2025 1:44:50 PM
Creation date
1/15/2025 1:23:36 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
City Manager's Office
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Resolution No. 2025-XXXX <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />No person other than members of the City Council and the person having the floor may <br />be permitted to enter into the discussion without permission of the presiding officer. <br />(f) It shall be within the sound discretion of the presiding officer to set a <br />maximum time for public comment. In setting any limit, the presiding officer shall take <br />into consideration the level of public interest in the matters in question, the length of the <br />meeting and the need to provide for an orderly and effective meeting. As a means of <br />limiting time while maximizing the public's opportunity to address the City Council, if a <br />group of people seeks to address the City Council on the same matter or topic, the <br />presiding officer may request the group to designate a spokesperson or limited number <br />of speakers to address the City Council. <br />(g) The following rules shall apply to all persons addressing the City Council. <br />All speakers are requested to: <br />• direct all testimony to the City Council or the presiding officer and not <br />individual Councilmembers, <br />• when speaking on agenda matters, limit comments to the agenda item(s), <br />• when speaking on non-agenda matters, limit comments to matters within <br />the jurisdiction or official business of the City of Santa Ana, and, <br />• refrain from profane language, racial epitaphs, and libelous or slanderous <br />statements that disturb the decorum of the meeting. <br />(h) Use of City equipment for video or audio presentations by a speaker shall be <br />prohibited. However, nothing contained herein shall prohibit a speaker from making a <br />presentation (including photographs, diagrams, or using other audio or visual means ) <br />to the City Council during such speaker’s public comments. <br />(i) The presiding officer shall have the power and responsibility to enforce <br />decorum and order of the meeting as set forth in Section 2 -104(c). Among other means <br />of enforcement, the presiding officer may order the podium microphone turned off <br />and/or video broadcast interrupted when the presiding officer has determined that an <br />individual or group has disrupted the meeting, or the individual or group has exceeded <br />their allotted time to speak without permission of the presiding officer. <br />(j) All cell phones, pagers, or electronic devices belonging to the public, <br />press, or personnel that may be disruptive must be placed on vibrate mode/quiet or be <br />turned off while a meeting is in session. <br />Section 6. Teleconferencing. <br />Remote participation in a City Council meeting shall be governed by the <br />teleconferencing provisions set forth in the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code <br />Section 54950, et seq.) and by a Teleconferencing Policy duly adopted by t he City <br />Council. <br />
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