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Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />Page 1 of 5 <br />ORDINANCE NO. NS-XXX <br />AN UNCODIFIED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AMENDING THE LIST OF <br />REPLACEMENT PARCELS AND PARCELS EXEMPT <br />FROM CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS <br />65912.114 AND 65912.124 BASED UPON WRITTEN <br />FINDINGS PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT <br />CODE SECTIONS 65912.114(i) AND 65912.124(i) <br />WHEREAS, in 2022, the state legislature approved two bills requiring local <br />governments, including charter cities, to approve residential development “by right” in <br />commercial zones, under certain circumstances, where residential uses would otherwise <br />be prohibited; and <br /> WHEREAS, one of these bills was California Assembly Bill 2011, known as the <br />Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act of 2022 (“AB 2011”), which was approved <br />by the legislature, signed by the Governor on September 28, 2022, and codified at <br />Government Code sections 65912.100 through 65912.140; and <br /> WHEREAS, AB 2011 serves to override local zoning regulation in the above <br />respect and took effect on July 1, 2023; and <br />WHEREAS, AB 2011 specifically provides streamlined, ministerial, CEQA -exempt <br />review for 100 percent affordable, multif amily housing development projects located in <br />neighborhood plan areas where multifamily housing is permitted on the site and <br />commercial zones where office, retail, or parking are a principally permitted use, where <br />both satisfy a series of objective development standards and other requirements, as <br />codified in Government Code section 65912.114; and <br />WHEREAS, AB 2011 also provides streamlined, ministerial, CEQA-exempt review <br />for mixed-income housing development projects along commercial corridors in <br />neighborhood plan areas where multifamily housing development is permitted on the site <br />and in commercial zones where office, retail, or parking are a principally permitted use, <br />where both satisfy a series of objective development standards and other requirements, <br />as codified in Government Code section 65912.124; and <br />WHEREAS, on June 20, 2023, pursuant to California Government Code sections <br />65912.114(i) and 65912.124(i), the City Council of the City of Santa Ana adopted <br />Resolution No. 2023-037, Urgency Ordinance No. NS-3045, and conducted a first reading <br />of Ordinance No. NS-3047, exempting certain properties within the City from the <br />streamlined approval process provided by Government Code sections 65912.114 and <br />65912.124; and <br />WHEREAS, on July 18, 2023, the City Council of the City of Santa Ana conducted <br />a second reading of Ordinance No. NS-3047, exempting certain parcels within the City <br />from the streamlined, ministerial approval process provided by Government Code <br />sections 65912.114 and 65912.124; and