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Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 2243 (AB 2243) was signed by the Governor on <br />September 19, 2024, and will become effective on January 1, 2025, amending AB 2011 <br />by modifying a number of eligibility criteria and development standards in state law to <br />permit streamlined, ministerial approval processes for certain housing developments, one <br />of which is removing the 500-foot freeway buffer; and <br />WHEREAS, the removal of the 500-foot-freeway buffer from AB 2011 eligibility <br />criteria and development standards by AB 2243 will result in a number of sites that were <br />previously not eligible for AB 2011 streamline, ministerial approval and, thus, not <br />contemplated, analyzed or included in NS-3045 or NS-3047 (Ordinances) to now qualify <br />for AB 2011 streamlining unless the exempt parcels lists included in the Ordinances are <br />amended; and <br />WHEREAS, AB 2011, as amended by AB 2243, will permit affordable housing in <br />high-risk zones in close proximity to freeways and will result in potential conflicts with the <br />General Plan Land Use Element and environmental justice policies aimed at avoiding the <br />locating of sensitive receptors in close proximity to uses that pose a hazard to health; and <br />WHEREAS, the City’s General Plan Land Use Element allows for residential <br />development in certain parts of the City identified in its land use map with the appropriate <br />infrastructure improvements required to sustain high-quality housing and residential <br />communities, while maintaining and preserving existing neighborhoods, commercial <br />districts and established land use patterns; and <br />WHEREAS, AB 2011 permits a local government to exempt a parcel from these <br />types of streamlined approval before a developer submits a development application on <br />the parcel if: (1) the local government identifies one or more alternative sites for residential <br />development that meet certain environmental criteria; (2) the local government has <br />permitted the alternative parcels not otherwise eligible for development pursuant to AB <br />2011 to be developed pursuant to AB 2011 streamlining, and that the alternative parc els <br />are suitable for residential development as defined in State housing element law; (3) the <br />local government has permitted the alternative parcels that are subject to AB 2011 <br />streamlining to be developed at densities above the residential density require d in <br />subdivision (b) of Section 65912.113 (100 percent affordable) or subdivision (b) of <br />65912.123 (Mixed-Income) of the Government Code; (4) the alternative development <br />would result in no net loss of the total potential residential density in the jurisdi ction; (5) <br />the alternative development would result in no net loss of the potential residential density <br />of housing affordable to lower income households in the jurisdiction; and (6) the <br />alternative development would affirmatively further fair housing; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Santa Ana had identified the parcels listed in Attachment 1 <br />and Attachment 2 to this ordinance as parcels exempt from streamlined review pursuant <br />to Government Code sections 65912.114 or 65912.124 by adoption of Resolution No. <br />2023-037, Urgency Ordinance No. NS-3045 and Ordinance No. NS-3047; and <br />WHEREAS, the parcels identified in Attachment 3 to this ordinance, as previously <br />adopted and now updated, met all of the required environmental criteria as shown in