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Item 32 - Second Reading of Uncodified Ordinance Amendment No. 2024-07
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 32 - Second Reading of Uncodified Ordinance Amendment No. 2024-07
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Last modified
1/15/2025 1:37:54 PM
Creation date
1/15/2025 1:23:49 PM
City Clerk
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Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />environmental criteria analysis provided in Attachment 3; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Santa Ana has permitted the parcels listed in Attachment 3, <br />100 percent affordable and mixed -income, respectively, to this ordinance that are not <br />otherwise eligible for development pursuant to AB 2011 streamlined review to be <br />developed pursuant to the requirements of AB 2011; and <br />WHEREAS, the parcels listed in Attachment 3 to this ordinance may be developed <br />at the residential density required by AB 2011 or the residential density set forth in the <br />City’s General Plan, whichever is greater, as described in the site suitability analysis <br />included in Attachment 3; and <br />WHEREAS, exempting the parcels listed in the amended parcels list contained in <br />Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 to this ordinance will not result in a net loss of the total <br />potential residential density in the jurisdiction because there is a surplus of residential <br />capacity on the alternative parcels identified in Attachment 3 to offset the lost potential <br />units on the exempt parcels whereby there will not be a net loss in the potential residential <br />units permitted in the jurisdiction, as provided in the calculations found in Attachment 3; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, there will be no net loss of the potential residential density of housing <br />affordable to lower income households in the jurisdiction because the parcels identified <br />and listed in Attachment 3 allow density meeting or exceeding that required by <br />Government Code Section 65583.2(c)(3) of 30 dwelling units per acre, the threshold <br />established and deemed appropriate to accommodate housing for lower income <br />households for jurisdictions in a metropolitan county and AB 2011 affordability criteria will <br />apply to developments on the alternative sites; and <br />WHEREAS, the City’s local inclusionary housing ordinance, known as the <br />Affordable Housing Opportunity and Creation Ordinance (AHOCO), will require eligible <br />projects citywide to set aside units as affordable to lower and moderate -income <br />households for at least 55 years as applicable by AB 2011; and <br />WHEREAS, development of the alternative parcels eligible for AB 2011 streamlined <br />review and listed in Attachment 3 will result in affirmatively furthering fair housing as <br />described in the affirmatively furthering fair housing analysis included Attachment 3 to this <br />ordinance; and <br />WHEREAS, exempting the parcels in the amended parcels list contained in <br />Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 will prevent housing from being developed on sites that <br />do not have the infrastructure needed to accommodate high-quality housing, will not <br />comply with the land use plan and housing program that the California Department of <br />Housing and Community Development (HCD) certified Housing Element is based upon, <br />and will locate sensitive receptors in close proximity to uses that pose a hazard to health, <br />in direct conflict with environmental justice goals and policies; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Santa Ana, based upon the written findings required for <br />exemption under AB 2011 and set forth above, exempts the parcels listed in the amended
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