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Summary Vacation of Hesperian Street, Cubbon Street, and Public Alley Right of Way <br />January 21, 2025 <br />Page 2 <br />4 <br />7 <br />2 <br />9 <br />de sac bulb at the south end of Hesperian Street and a new connecting east-west alley <br />were constructed (Exhibit 1). <br />In 1994, the Santa Ana City Council adopted Resolution 94-031 (Exhibit 2) approving <br />vacation of the portions of streets and alley as depicted therein. Subsequently, as <br />allowed by the resolution, SAUSD closed portions of the streets and alley and <br />constructed the school and public improvements. However, as stipulated in the <br />resolution, the streets and alley were deemed not vacated until the document was <br />recorded. Based on staff and title company research, the resolution was not recorded, <br />and therefore, did not fully take effect. <br />In 2023, the City was awarded funds to build the Project from the California Natural <br />Resources Agency’s Urban Greening Grant Program. The Project will transform <br />approximately 1.25-acres of vacant parcels at the southwest corner of Bristol Street and <br />Tolliver Street into a new urban green space and public park, which will include a <br />stormwater treatment system that will capture stormwater runoff from the surrounding <br />neighborhood for reuse to irrigate park landscaping. <br />During implementation of the Project, staff determined that the City did not have the <br />expected easement rights necessary to construct a pipe between Hesperian Street and <br />the park site through an apparent public alley, and conversely, the City public street <br />rights of way still exist within King Elementary. City staff is working with SAUSD staff to <br />obtain approvals to resolve the right of way inconsistencies for both agencies by <br />SAUSD granting street easement rights to the City and the City rescinding and <br />replacing the 1994 street vacation resolution. The replacement documents will correct <br />the limits of the City’s street right of way. <br />Rescind and Replace Resolution 94-031 <br />After review of the unrecorded Resolution 94-031, staff determined that the limits <br />defined therein are inconsistent with the constructed street improvements, and <br />recordation of the resolution would have vacated portions of the Hesperian Street right <br />of way that still contain public street improvements. To refine the area to be vacated, <br />staff commissioned a field survey which determined the limits of the Hesperian Street <br />cul de sac sidewalk and the alley improvements. The resulting street vacation legal <br />description and map define portions of Hesperian Street, Cubbon Street, and alley right <br />of way which no longer contain any public street features (Exhibit 3). <br />A title report identified the SAUSD as fee owner of the portion of streets and alley <br />“which would pass by operation of law…”, meaning the ownership in the property will <br />revert automatically to the SAUSD upon completion of the vacation. <br />California Government Code Section 65402 requires the planning agency to review and <br />approve certain actions related to City property. Actions related to acquiring, using, or <br />disposing of public property require the planning agency to review the proposed use for