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Summary Vacation of Hesperian Street, Cubbon Street, and Public Alley Right of Way <br />January 21, 2025 <br />Page 3 <br />4 <br />7 <br />2 <br />9 <br />conformity with the General Plan. On November 25, 2024, the City of Santa Ana <br />Planning Division issued a finding that Abandonment 24-03 is in conformance with the <br />City of Santa Ana 2022-2045 General Plan. <br />City staff recommends the action because the excess area offers no present or <br />prospective use to the City. This abandonment is being processed as a summary <br />vacation pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code Section 8331 because the <br />streets and alleys have been impassable and the City has not expended money for <br />maintenance for more than five years; and Section 3334 because the right of way is not <br />required for street or highway purposes and lies within property under one ownership. <br />There are no visible utilities which would be affected by the vacation; and City staff <br />advised utility companies of the vacation, and received no objections to the vacation. <br />To align City street right of way and SAUSD property with existing street improvements, <br />staff is requesting City Council to adopt a resolution rescinding Resolution 94-031 and <br />vacating portions of Cubbon Street, Hesperian Street, and an alley west of Bristol <br />Street. <br />SAUSD Street Easement to City of Santa Ana <br />In accordance with requirements set forth by City in early 1990s to complete the King <br />Elementary project, SAUSD will grant public street easement covering the street <br />improvements constructed during that project. The public street easements will cover <br />the Hesperian Street cul-de-sac bulb to the back of sidewalk, and the limits of the east- <br />west alley. As detailed above, staff determined street and alley improvement limits by <br />field survey and then described and mapped the limits of street easement (Exhibit 4). <br />SAUSD Board of Education met on December 17, 2024 and adopted a resolution <br />declaring its intention to grant the easement, and set a public hearing for January 14, <br />2025, after which the board may authorize execution of an easement agreement and <br />deed. Based on SAUSD staff initial board briefings, it is anticipated that the SAUSD <br />Board of Education will approve its intention to grant the easement. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed <br />abandonment is exempt from further review per section 15305. Categorical Exemption <br />will be filed for this abandonment. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />There is no fiscal impact associated with these actions. <br />EXHIBIT(S) <br />1. Location Map <br />2. City Council Resolution 94-031` <br />3. Vacation Legal Description and Map