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Item 08 - Lobbyist Filing System
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 08 - Lobbyist Filing System
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Last modified
1/29/2025 9:34:51 AM
Creation date
1/29/2025 9:13:19 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH NETFILE, INC. TO PROVIDE ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES FOR FPPC FILING <br />THIS FIRST AMENDMENT to the above-referenced agreement is entered into on February <br />4, 2025, by and between NetFile, Inc. a California non-profit corporation (“Contractor”), and the <br />City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing under the <br />Constitution and laws of the State of California (“City”). <br />RECITALS <br />A.The parties entered into Agreement No. A-2022-154 (“Agreement”) dated August 1, 2022, <br />to provide online subscription services for FPPC filings. <br />B.The term of the Agreement runs through July 31, 2025, is current and in-effect, and allows <br />for the Parties an option to extend the term of the Agreement for a two (2) year period. <br />C.The parties now wish to amend the Agreement to exercise the two-year option to extend <br />the term of the Agreement; amend the scope of services to include additional services; <br />increase the overall compensation to account for the additional services and extension of <br />the term of the Agreement; and allow for the City to compensate the Contractor for services <br />provided to the City. No other changes are contemplated by this Amendment. <br />The Parties therefore agree: <br />1.Section 1, Scope of Services, is hereby amended to include Exhibit A-1 to this First <br />Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated by reference. <br />2.Section 2, Term, is hereby extended, pursuant to the right of the parties to exercise their <br />option to extend the Agreement, through July 31, 2027. <br />3.Section 3, Compensation and Payment, is hereby amended and revised to read as <br />follows: <br />a.Contractor will provide the use of the Campaign Disclosure System and Statement of <br />Economic Interests system (up to 350 SEI filers) at an ongoing discounted rate of <br />$19,000, per year, commencing August 1, 2022. <br />b.Contractor will provide the additional services, as detailed in Exhibit A-1, for the <br />remaining term of the Agreement, including during the exercised extension, for <br />$25,584. This amount includes the annual base amount of $9,500, per year, and a <br />prorated amount of $6,584 for services which commenced on November 20, 2024. <br />City shall recognize and compensate Contractor for said services rendered since <br />November 20, 2024. <br />c.The total amount to be expended during the term of this Agreement shall not exceed <br />$120,584. <br />d.City has the option of paying on an ongoing quarterly basis for Services provided by <br />Contractor billed in advance of the quarter instead of one annual payment. No interest
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