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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ii. Contractor shall conduct training courses at various locations/venues within the <br />ASAUA. <br /> <br />iii. Contractor shall prepare course flyers, register attendees, record attendance by <br />signed roster, provide certificates of completions, and verify course completion <br />by the participants. <br /> <br />iv. Contractor shall prepare and present specified training courses. Course material <br />shall be available at the time the training is provided for each of the training <br />courses the proposer has outlined in their proposal. <br /> <br />v. All training courses presented must meet state and federal guidelines and be <br />approved by Cal OES and DHS for reimbursement under the Homeland Security <br />Grant Program prior to delivery. Refer to the Cal OES website at: <br /> and <br />the DHS website at: for further information regarding <br />state and federal guidelines for Department of Homeland Security grants. If any <br />portion of the training course occurs outside of the classroom, an Environmental <br />& Historic Preservation (EHP) approval must be obtained from FEMA/Cal OES <br />prior to delivery of the course. The EHP approval is location specific and if an <br />EHP approval is required, one must be obtained for each location where the <br />course is delivered. It shall be the responsibility of the Proposer to complete all of <br />the forms and documentation necessary to obtain the required approvals. The <br />ASAUA Homeland Security Regional Training and Exercise Program Manager <br />will assist the Proposer with the submission of the requests for approval. The <br />City shall not be billed for any costs associated with obtaining these approvals. <br /> <br />vi. Contractor shall provide all required training material, handouts, course syllabus <br />and/or written curriculum <br /> <br />vii. Contractor shall collect written survey comments/course evaluations from <br />participants at the conclusion of every course offered. Survey/course evaluations <br />will be conducted in a manner specified by the City. A standardized course <br />survey form will be provided to the successful proposers. A record of responses <br />shall be maintained throughout the term of the agreement by Contractor, and <br />organized by training course, date, instructor, etc. Frequently mentioned <br />comments shall be reported to City Project Manager. Electronic reporting shall be <br />made available to the City upon request <br /> <br />viii. City reserves the right to cancel training courses with fourteen (14) calendar <br />days’ notice of delivery date. City shall not be charged for the class, travel costs, <br />or training materials by Contractor if cancellation occurs within this period. <br /> <br />ix. City reserves the right to cancel training courses with fourteen (14) calendar <br />days’ notice of delivery date. City shall not be charged for the class, travel costs, <br />or training materials by Contractor if cancellation occurs within this period. <br /> <br />x. Contractor shall provide and assign high quality instructors on a consistent basis <br />to deliver the specified courses. <br /> <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 24-131A Page 19 of 47