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Item 19 - Resolution Repealing Resolution No. 2019-107 Regarding 2525 N Main St.
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 19 - Resolution Repealing Resolution No. 2019-107 Regarding 2525 N Main St.
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1/29/2025 9:17:32 AM
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1/29/2025 9:13:58 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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WHEREAS, the proposed Project has been submitted and requires review and <br />certification of an Environmental Impact Report (the "EIR") (SCH# 2018021031) <br />Environmental Impact Report No. 2018-01), and approval of Development AgreementNo. 2018-01, General Plan Amendment No. 2018-06, and Amendment Application No. <br />2018-10; and <br />WHEREAS, the Project Site is located at the northeast corner of North MainStreetandEdgewoodRoadandthepropertiesimmediatelyadjacenttothesiteincludeSantiagoParktothenorth, single-family residential homes to the south and east andtheDiscoveryScienceCenterofOrangeCountyacrossMainStreettothewest. TheProjectSiteislocatedonNorthMainStreet, an urban corridor within the City. TheProjectSiteisalsolocatedatamainentrypointtotheParkSantiagoNeighborhood, aresidentialneighborhoodpredominantlycomprisedofdetachedsingle-family dwellings; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to section 21067 of the Public Resources Code, andsection15367oftheStateCEQAGuidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, § 15000 et seq.), the City of Santa Ana is the lead agency for the proposed Project; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines section 15063, the CityconductedanInitialStudytodetermineiftheProjectmayhaveasignificanteffectontheenvironmentandtoevaluatewhetheranEnvironmentalImpactReport ("EIR") was <br />required; and <br />WHEREAS, after conducting the Initial Study, the City determined that an EIRshouldbepreparedtoevaluatetheproposedProject's potential to have a significanteffectontheenvironmentinthefollowingareas: Aesthetics, Air Quality, BiologicalResources, Cultural Resources, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Hazards and HazardousMaterials, Land Use and Planning, Noise, Population and Housing, Public Services, <br />Recreation, Transportation/Traffic, and Utilities; and <br />WHEREAS, based on the Initial Study, the City further determined that impactstoAestheticsregardingscenicresourcesincluding, but not limited to, trees, rockoutcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway; to Agriculture andForestryResourcesregardingfarmland; agricultural land, forest land timberland orconversionof; to Biological Resources regarding wetlands, conflicts with a treepreservationpolicyorordinance, conflicts with a Habitat Conservation Plan or NaturalCommunityConservationPlan; to Geology and Soils regarding a known earthquakefault, landslides, or soils incapable of adequately supporting septic tanks or waste waterdisposal; to Hazards regarding sites listed on a hazardous materials site, an airport land <br />use plan, private airstrip or wildland fires; to Hydrology and Water Quality regardinghousingwithina100-year flood hazard area; to Land Use and Planning regardingconflictswithaHabitatConservationPlanorNaturalCommunityConservationPlan; toMineralResourcesregardinglossofamineralresourcetotheregionorlocally; to Noiseregardingconflictswithanairportlanduseplanorprivateairstrip; Population andHousingregardingdisplacingexistinghousingnecessitatingreplacementhousingor <br />Resolution No. 2019-107 <br />Page 2 of 11
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