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LS 11.19.19 <br />displacing substantial number of persons necessitating construction of replacementhousing; to Transportation/Traffic regarding a change in air traffic patterns; to UtilitiesandServiceSystemsregardingfederal, state and local solid waste regulations wouldhavenoimpactorbelessthansignificantandthusneednotbeanalyzedfurtherintheEIR; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines section 15082, onFebruary12, 2018, the City sent to the Office of Planning and Research and eachresponsibleandtrusteeagencyaNoticeofPreparation ("NOP") - which was also <br />published in the Orange County Register, a newspaper of general circulation - statingthatanEnvironmentalImpactReport (State Clearinghouse Number #2018021031) would be prepared; and <br />WHEREAS, during the public comment period, copies of the Initial Study wereavailableforreviewandinspectionatCityHall (20 Civic Center Plaza), on the City'swebsite, and at the Santa Ana Public Library (26 Civic Center Plaza); and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21083.9 and StateCEQAGuidelinessections15082(c) and 15083, the City held a duly noticed ScopingMeetingonMarch1, 2018, to solicit comments on the scope of the environmentalreviewoftheproposedProject; and <br />WHEREAS, one hundred and sixty-three (163) comment letters were received inresponsetotheNOP; and <br />WHEREAS, a Draft Environmental Impact Report ("Draft EIR") was prepared fortheproposedProject, addressing comments received in response to the NOP and <br />evaluating the proposed Project's potentially significant environmental impacts; and <br />WHEREAS, the Draft EIR concluded that the proposed Project would have asignificantandunavoidableimpacttoAestheticswiththeimplementationofmitigation <br />measures regarding the existing visual character of the Project Site and its <br />surroundings, as implementation of the proposed Project would result in a significantandunavoidablechangeinvisualscale, height, and setbacks from Santiago Park, Edgewood Road, and North Bush Street; and <br />WHEREAS, the Draft EIR further determined that mitigation measures wererequiredtomitigateimpactstoalessthansignificantlevelforthefollowingresourceareas: Air Quality, Biological Resources, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Noise, andTribalCulturalResources; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines section 15085, a NoticeofCompletionwaspreparedandfiledwiththeOfficeofPlanningandResearchonAugust7, 2018; and <br />Resolution No. 2019-107 <br />Page 3 of 11