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<br /> <br />Resolution No. 2025-xx <br />Page 1 of 5 <br /> <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2025-XX <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SANTA ANA RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2019-107 (1) <br />ADOPTING ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS OF FACT PURSUANT <br />TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, (2) <br />CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT <br />(SCH #2018021031), (3) ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF <br />OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED <br />PROJECT, (4) ADOPTING THE MITIGATION MONITORING AND <br />REPORTING PROGRAM, AND (5) APPROVING THE <br />PROPOSED ADDINGTON MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL <br />PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AT <br />2525 NORTH MAIN STREET <br />WHEREAS, AC 2525 Main, LLC (“AC 2525”) sought to develop the Addington <br />Multi-Family Residential Project (“Project”), originally proposed as a 496-unit multi- <br />family residential project on a 5.93-acre site at 2525 North Main Street in Santa Ana, <br />California (“Project Site”); and <br />WHEREAS, on January 14, 2019, the Planning Commission conducted a duly <br />noticed public hearing to consider the EIR, Development Agreement No. 2018-01, <br />General Plan Amendment No. 2018-06, and Amendment Application No. 2018-10 and <br />solicited comments on the EIR. At the meeting, seventy-nine (79) members of the <br />public spoke on the item, thirty (30) speakers supported the project, forty-eight (48) <br />opposed it and one speaker was neutral. After hearing all relevant testimony from staff, <br />the public and the City’s consultant team, the Planning Commission voted to <br />recommend that the City Council not certify the EIR or adopt the findings, the statement <br />of overriding considerations and the mitigation monitoring and reporting program and <br />deny the Project; and <br />WHEREAS, on February 5, 2019, the City Council conducted a duly noticed <br />public hearing to consider the EIR, Development Agreement No. 2018 -01, General Plan <br />Amendment No. 2018-06, and Amendment Application No. 2018-10 and solicited <br />comments on the EIR. At the meeting, sixty-one (61) members of the public spoke on <br />the item, thirty-eight (38) speakers supported the project, twenty (20) speakers opposed <br />it and three (3) speakers were neutral and the public hearing was continued to the next <br />regular adjourned City Council meeting on February 19, 2019; and <br />WHEREAS, on February 19, 2019, the City Council continued to conduct the <br />duly noticed public hearing to consider the EIR, Development Agreement No. 2018-01, <br />General Plan Amendment No. 2018-06, and Amendment Application No. 2018-10 and <br />solicited comments on the EIR. At the meeting, one hundred and thirty-one (131) <br />members of the public spoke on the item, twenty-six (26) speakers supported the <br />project and one hundred and five (105) speakers opposed it. Furthermore, one hundred <br />and sixty-six (166) written comments were received with nine (9) in support and one