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<br />Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />Page 2 of 10 <br /> <br />• Goal LU-2: Land Use Needs. Provide a balance of land uses that meet Santa <br />Ana’s diverse needs. <br />o Policy LU-2.6 Encourage Investment. Promote rehabilitation of properties <br />and encourage increased levels of capital investment to create a safe and <br />attractive environment. <br />• Goal LU-3: Compatibility of Uses. Preserve and improve the character and <br />integrity of existing neighborhoods and districts. <br />o Policy LU-3.1 Community Benefits. Support new development which <br />provides a net community benefit and contributes to neighborhood <br />character and identity. <br />o Policy LU-3.4 Compatible Development. Ensure that the scale and <br />massing of new development is compatible and harmonious with the <br />surrounding built environment. <br />o Policy LU-3.7 Attractive Environment. Promote a clean, safe, and creative <br />environment for Santa Ana’s residents, workers, and visitors. <br />• Goal HE-1: Housing and Neighborhoods. Livable and affordable <br />neighborhoods with healthy and safe housing conditions, community services, <br />well-maintained infrastructure, and public facilities that inspire neighborhood <br />pride and ownership. <br />o Policy HE-1.7 Historic Preservation. Support preservation and <br />enhancement of residential structures, properties, street designs, lot <br />patterns, and other visible reminders of neighborhoods that are considered <br />local historic or cultural resources. <br />• Goal HE-2: Housing Supply and Diversity. Foster an inclusive community with <br />a diversity of quality housing, affordability levels, and living experiences that <br />accommodate Santa Ana’s residents and workforce of all household types, <br />income levels, and age groups. <br />o Policy HE-2.1 Citywide. Designate adequate land in the General Plan Land <br />Use Element and Zoning for the development of a ran ge of housing types <br />to meet the identified needs of all economic segments of the community <br />while providing a high quality of life for all residents. <br />o Policy HE-2.4 Rental Housing. Facilitate the construction of rental housing <br />for Santa Ana’s residents and workforce, with a commitment to provide <br />rental housing for extremely low-, very low-, and low-income residents as <br />well as moderate-income Santa Ana workers. <br />o Policy HE-2.5 Diverse Housing Types. Facilitate diverse types, prices, and <br />sizes of housing, including single-family homes, apartments, townhomes,