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<br />Ordinance No. NS-XXX <br />Page 3 of 10 <br /> <br />duplexes, mixed/multiuse housing, transit-oriented housing, <br />multigenerational housing, accessory dwelling units, and live -work <br />opportunities. <br />o Policy HE-2.6 Housing Design. Require excellence in architectural design <br />through the use of materials and colors, building treatments, landscaping, <br />open space, parking, and environmentally sensitive (“green”) building and <br />design practices. <br />o Policy HE-2.8 Entitlement Process. Provide flexible development review <br />and entitlement processes that facilitate innovative and creative housing <br />solutions, offer a consistent approval process, and allow for appropriate <br />oversight. <br />o Policy HE-2.10 Overcrowding Conditions. Facilitate the development of <br />accessory dwelling units and additions and improvements to existing <br />homes to alleviate overcrowded housing conditions. <br />• Goal HP-1: Historic Areas and Resources. Preserve and enhance Santa Ana’s <br />historic areas and resources to maintain a unique sense of place. <br />o Policy HP-1.1 Architectural and Design Standards. Preserve unique <br />neighborhoods and structures in Santa Ana through implementation of the <br />Citywide Design Guidelines and historic preservation best practices. <br />• Goal UD-1: Physical Character. Improve the physical character and livability <br />of the City to promote a sense of place, positive community image, and quality <br />environment. <br />o Policy UD-1.1 Design Quality. Ensure all developments feature high quality <br />design, materials, finishes, and construction. <br />• Goal UD-2: Sustainable Environment. Improve the bu ilt environment through <br />sustainable development that is proportional and aesthetically related to its <br />setting. <br />o Policy UD-2.2 Compatibility and use with Setting. Employ buffers and other <br />urban design strategies to encourage the compatibility of new developm ent <br />with the scale, bulk, and pattern of existing development. <br />o Policy UD-2.4 Intentional Design. Encourage design and architecture on <br />private and public property that accentuate focal points, activity nodes, and <br />historic areas. <br />o Policy UD-2.5 Relation to Surroundings. Ensure new development exhibits <br />a functional, comfortable scale in relation to its neighborhood.