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Agency Name <br /> Master Agreement No. 64SantaAnaMA <br /> a. The Scope of Work shall include a detailed description of the Project <br /> and will itemize the major tasks and their estimated costs. <br /> b. The Project Schedule shall include major tasks and/or milestones and <br /> their associated beginning and ending dates and duration. <br /> c. The Overall Funding Plan shall itemize the various Project <br /> Components, the committed funding program(s) or source(s), and the matching <br /> funds to be provided by Recipient and/or other funding sources, if any [these <br /> Components include Environmental and Permits; Plans, Specifications and <br /> Estimates (PS&E); Right-of-Way (ROW); and Construction (including transit vehicle <br /> acquisition)]. <br /> d. The Project Financial Plan shall identify estimated expenditures for the <br /> Project Component by funding source, provided that for the purposes of this <br /> Agreement the State is only monitoring compliance for expenditures for the TIRCP, <br /> including but not limited to GGRF, SB 1 and/or General Funds allocated for the <br /> Project Component. <br /> 6. Adoption and execution of the Program Supplement by Recipient and <br /> State, incorporating the terms and conditions of this Agreement into the Program <br /> Supplement as though fully set forth therein, shall be sufficient to bind Recipient <br /> to these terms and conditions when performing the Project. Unless otherwise <br /> expressly delegated to a third-party in a resolution by Recipient's governing body, <br /> which delegation must be expressly assented to and concurred in by State, the <br /> Program Supplement shall be managed by Recipient. <br /> 7. The estimated cost and scope of the Project will be as described in the <br /> applicable Program Supplement. The State shall not participate in any funding <br /> for the Project beyond those amounts actually encumbered by the STATE as <br /> evidenced in the applicable Program Supplement unless the appropriate steps <br /> are followed and approval is granted by the CTC as described below. <br /> 8. Upon the stated expiration date of this Agreement, any Program <br /> Supplement executed under this Agreement for the Project with obligations yet <br /> to be completed pursuant to the approved Project Schedule, deliverables, and <br /> reporting requirements shall be deemed to extend the term of this Agreement <br /> only to conform to the specific Project termination or completion date, including <br /> completion of deliverables and reporting requirements, contemplated by the <br /> applicable Program Supplement to allow that uncompleted Project to be <br /> administered under the extended terms and conditions of this Agreement. <br /> 9. Total project cost includes the cost of a project for all phases (Plans, <br /> Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E), Project Approval and Environmental <br /> Revised as of 9/12/2024 Page 9 <br />