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Architectural Design Services for Santa Ana Downtown Parking Structure Improvements <br />February 18, 2025 <br />Page 2 <br />(Exhibit 1), continue to operate in their original conditions. In an effort to enhance the <br />use, appearance, and safety of these structures, this agreement aims to modernize the <br />facilities by upgrading signage, lighting, parking stalls, and structural deficiencies. <br />Preparation of engineered plans, specifications, and cost estimates for the <br />improvements are scheduled to be completed and ready for construction by December <br />2025. Once the design phase is complete, staff will proceed to the construction phase <br />and present a construction contract for City Council consideration. The proposed design <br />services contract term allows for an optional two-year extension for unforeseen or <br />unexpected needs that requires the consultant's support during the future construction <br />phase. <br />The RFP was advertised on the City's online procurement management and publication <br />system, with proposals due on October 28, 2024. A summary of vendor participation is <br />as follows: <br />1,812 <br />Vendors notified <br />4 <br />Santa Ana vendors notified <br />85 <br />Vendors downloaded the bid packet <br />4 <br />Bids received <br />0 <br />Bid received from Santa Ana vendors <br />Four proposals were received and evaluated by a selection committee. Based on <br />criteria outlined in the RFP, the following summarizes the four responding firms and <br />their ranking: <br />Firm <br />City <br />Rank <br />IDS Group <br />Irvine, California <br />1 <br />Walker Consultants <br />Irvine, California <br />2 <br />Pcubed Associates Inc. <br />Buena Park, California <br />3 <br />DKY Associated <br />Irvine, California <br />4 <br />Staff recommends awarding an agreement to IDS Group to provide full concept design <br />services (Exhibit 2) based upon the scope of work and selection criteria outlined in RFP <br />24-100A. Their proposal demonstrated the firm has the necessary capacity and <br />expertise to complete the required services. The firm's rates are reasonable and within <br />industry standards, the team qualifications are appropriate for this project, and the <br />proposal was determined to provide the best value for the City. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />There is no environmental impact associated with the action <br />