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(4) A statement of the public purposes for the economic development subsidy. <br /> <br />On August 5, 2013, the City Council approved the execution of a sales tax sharing <br />agreement with IPC (USA), Inc., an independent wholesale distributor of gasoline, <br />diesel, jet fuel, and other refined petroleum products throughout the United States. <br />The Agreement provided for a 50 percent sharing of local sales tax generation, plus <br />a 70 percent (IPC) and 30 percent (City) sharing of additional sales tax generation <br />above $1.4 million dollars. On November 1, 2019, IPC (USA), Inc. was acquired by <br />TACenergy, one of the largest national wholesale fuel suppliers in the county, with <br />annual sales exceeding 2.7 billion gallons and more than $5 billion in revenue. <br /> <br />Since the agreements execution, IPC has been a top ten sales tax producer for the <br />City. This sales tax generated is directly deposited into the City’s General Fund which <br />is primarily used to fund police, fire, homeless reduction, and parks and recreational <br />services for the City’s residents. <br /> <br />Without this agreement, several of the City’s general services may be cut or reduced <br />for its residents. <br /> <br />(5) The net tax revenue accruing to the local agency as a result of the economic <br />development subsidy. <br /> <br />Since the commencement of the Agreement, $4,097,060 in total sales tax has been <br />generated by TACenergy. The City has retained 50% of that amount: $2,048,530. <br /> <br />(6) The net number of jobs created by the economic development subsidy, broken <br />down by full-time, part-time and temporary positions. <br /> <br />The Agreement has retained approximately 20 positions. The company has reported <br />that challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, along with regulatory changes <br />at both the Federal and State levels, have impacted the fuel sales sector. However, <br />their overall growth has aligned with the broader trends in transportation fuel demand, <br />and it is expected that further hiring will take place in the near future. <br />EXHIBIT 1