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Five-Year Economic Development Subsidy Report <br />Pursuant to Government Code Section 53083 <br />For a Ground Lease with THRIVE Santa Ana, Inc. <br />Pursuant to Government Code Section 53083, the City Council of the City of Santa Ana <br />must hold a noticed public hearing and, prior to the public hearing, provide all of the <br />following information in written form and available to the public through the City’s website <br />regarding a five-year economic development subsidy provided by the City pursuant to a <br />Ground Lease at 1901 W. Walnut Street, Santa Ana, CA 92703, with THRIVE Santa Ana, <br />Inc. Notice was published on the City’s website for a public hearing to be held on February <br />18, 2025. <br />The purpose of this report is to provide the information required pursuant to Government <br />Code Section 53083 in regards to the Agreement. This report shall remain available to <br />the public and posted on the City’s website until the end date of the economic <br />development subsidy, as further described in number 2 below. <br />(1)The name and address of all corporations or any other business entities, <br />except for sole proprietorships, that are the beneficiary of the economic <br />development subsidy, if applicable. <br />The Agreement is with THRIVE Santa Ana, Inc., a 501(c)(3) tax exempt California <br />Public Benefit Corporation. <br />THRIVE Santa Ana, Inc. <br />P.O. Box 1935 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />(2)The start and end dates and schedule, if applicable, for the economic <br />development subsidy. <br />Upon City Council approval of a Disposition and Development agreement, and if <br />certain conditions for the development of the site are met, a proposed 99-year Ground <br />Lease agreement is estimated to commence on April 1, 2021, and end on March 31, <br />2120. <br />(3)A description of the economic development subsidy, including the estimated <br />total amount of the expenditure of public funds by, or of revenue lost to, the <br />local agency as a result of the economic development subsidy. <br />The economic development subsidy is in the form of a subsidized 99-year ground <br />lease for 1901 W. Walnut Street, Santa Ana, CA, 92703. The estimated amount of lost <br />revenue is estimated at $817,000, the appraised value of the property. <br />No expenditure of public funds is anticipated by this agreement. <br />EXHIBIT 2