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BOWERS MUSEUM <br /> Public Relations <br /> All printed materials, media announcements, and other public relations communiqués relating to the <br /> event are subject to the advance approval of the Museum before they are in the final printing and/or <br /> distribution stages. <br /> Staffing <br /> Catering, decorating, audio-visual equipment, and coordination are not part of this Agreement and must <br /> be arranged directly with the provider of such services. As part of the facility rental fees, the Museum <br /> provides security (the Museum's entire building&courtyards)and custodial staff appropriate to the event. <br /> Caterine and Alcoholic Beverages <br /> The Museum reserves the right to determine the specific areas where food and drink service is permitted. <br /> The Museum is exclusively contracted with Patina Restaurant Group for all catering needs, and Patina <br /> must provide all food and beverages. Buyout options are available. All catering costs are separate from <br /> Museum charges. For food and beverage,contact Patina Catering at 714-567-3630. <br /> Only catering professionals may provide service of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages may not <br /> be served to minors. The general sobriety of guests is the responsibility of the Renter. Public intoxication <br /> or other disorderly conduct, which jeopardizes the Museum in any manner,will not be tolerated and will <br /> be dealt with by the Museum Security staff. Food and beverage are prohibited in the auditorium, <br /> art galleries,Green Room,and Hsu Gallery. Smoking is also prohibited on the Museum grounds. <br /> Setun.Decorations and Entertainment <br /> The Museum requires 48-hour notification of any event changes. On the day of the event, setup <br /> MUST be completed during the timeframe stated on the contract unless previously approved by the <br /> Special Events Department. All deliveries must be scheduled with the Special Events Department two <br /> weeks in advance. For events that take longer than two hours to setup (or three hours for school dances <br /> and weddings), an additional fee will be charged. Please ask vendors, staff, and/or assistants that need <br /> tables set up to place their decor to come at least 45 minutes after the contracted setup start time. <br /> Musical performances and other entertainment may take place only in certain areas. No entertainers may perform <br /> in the gallery areas without prior consent of the Special Events Department. <br /> Certificates of Insurance <br /> All third-party vendors and businesses, including those that are related to the Renter, must provide a <br /> certificate of insurance,preferably as soon as possible in case there are any errors and a new certificate <br /> must be requested, with the Bowers Museum made an additional insured in all instances, with minimum <br /> coverage of $1,000,000. The Museum will provide specific requirements for these certificates of <br /> insurance and any vendor that does not provide a valid certificate of insurance that meets these <br /> requirements prior to the event WILL NOT BE GRANTED ACCESS to Museum property. <br /> (Renter's Initials <br /> Revised:September 2024 ncilit°the Rental Agreement <br />