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BOWERS MUSEUM <br /> Rules to Follow <br /> Nothing can be taped, stapled, nailed, or attached to any part of the Museum property; only <br /> freestanding equipment or decorations may be used. All equipment must be itemized and a copy <br /> presented to the Special Events Department prior to the date of the event. Museum property, such as <br /> artworks and Visitor Service desks, may not be moved. Rose petals and bubbles may be used only <br /> for outdoor events. Candles must be enclosed in proper holders and unscented, and candles inside the <br /> Museum must be in the middle of the tables and not on the floors. The only space inside the Museum <br /> where real candles are permitted is the John M.Lee Court;all other indoor spaces must have fake candles. <br /> Confetti, sparklers (including cold sparklers), bird seeds, and rice are not allowed. Fog machines or <br /> balloons with helium or any gas that causes the balloons to float are not allowed in any indoor space. <br /> Doorways may not be blocked. All items must be at least three feet away from the Museum artifacts. <br /> Special Lighting and Audio-Visual Equipment: <br /> No lighting can be installed unless installed by a professional lighting company authorized in advance by <br /> the Special Events Department. Should any special electrical needs be required, the Museum must be <br /> notified at least two weeks in advance. Electrical circuits are limited and special equipment requires prior <br /> approval of the Special Events Department or Maintenance Office. <br /> Breakdown and Cleanup <br /> All decor and/or equipment must be picked up during the breakdown timeframe stated on the contract <br /> unless advance special arrangements are made with the Special Events Department. The Renter and the <br /> Patina Group will ensure thorough cleanup, including depositing all trash in the correct containers or <br /> carrying it away. In the event of non-compliance, the Museum will reserve the right to remove <br /> these materials at the Renter's cost and liability. At the end of the event, breakdown must be <br /> completed within the contracted breakdown time. Events that require a longer breakdown time <br /> will be charged an additional fee. <br /> Inclement Weather Plan <br /> Should rain, wind, or other inclement weather occur on the day of an event being held outdoors, <br /> guests will be moved inside to the appropriate area(s). The Museum will make every reasonable <br /> effort to accommodate events being moved indoors,but in the event that space is not available,the <br /> Renter is responsible for planning ahead to either postpone with no penalty fee or source and pay <br /> for protection from the weather i.e.: tenting, etc. <br /> Security <br /> Museum security applies to the Museum's entire building and courtyard areas. The Museum does <br /> not provide security for its parking lots. <br /> All patrons assume the risk of any loss when they choose to park in any of the Bowers Museum parking <br /> lots. The Bowers Museum is not responsible for any damage or loss to any automobile that is parked <br /> in any of the Museum's parking lots. <br /> This information should be shared with event guests and vendors. <br /> 4V <br /> (Renter's Initials) <br /> Revised:September 2024 Facility Use Rental Agreement <br />