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Chapter 1 Introduction <br />1.1 Preface <br />The Bristol Street Corridor Specific Plan Amendment provides <br />the framework for future development of a 3.9-mile section of <br />the Bristol Street Corridor in the central portion of the City of <br />Santa Ana. The Plan, which has been developed in accordance <br />with existing environmental conditions, City planning policies, <br />and input from City staff and decision -makers, provides a <br />comprehensive land use program and urban design guide for <br />the area along with goals and policies to guide the future <br />public and private actions relating to the area's development. <br />In addition, the plan includes a strategy for its implementation <br />and mechanisms to insure that development proposed by area <br />landowners will be coordinated and occur in an orderly, <br />planned manner, <br />1.2 The Specific Plan <br />In 1991, the City of Santa Ana determined that a specific plan <br />was the appropriate planning mechanism to guide long-range <br />development of the Bristol Street Corridor. A specific plan is a <br />planning and regulatory tool made available to local <br />governments by the State of California. By law, specific plans <br />are intended to implement a city or county's general plan <br />through the development of policies, programs, and <br />regulations which provide an intermediate level of detail <br />between the general plan and individual development <br />projects. As vehicles for the implementation of the goals and <br />policies of a community's general plan, State law requires that <br />specific plans can only be adopted or amended if they are <br />consistent with the jurisdiction's adopted general plan. <br />Bristol Street Corridor Specific Plan <br />March 2018 <br />The authority to prepare and adopt specific plans and the <br />requirements for its contents are set forth in the California <br />Government Code (Planning and Zoning Law), Title VII, <br />Chapter 3, Article 8, Sections 65450 through 65457. The law <br />requires that a specific plan include text and diagrams <br />specifying: <br />• The distribution, location, and intensity of land uses, <br />including open space, within the plan area; <br />• The distribution, location, and capacity of infrastructure, <br />including transportation, water, storm drainage, solid <br />waste, and energy systems; <br />• Design standards and criteria for development and use of <br />natural resources; and <br />• An implementation program, including capital <br />improvement plans, regulation and financing strategies. <br />This Specific Plan provides the framework for the future use <br />and form for development along the Bristol Street Corridor <br />through to ultimate build out of the area. The adopted plan <br />provides a public planning document that will act as an <br />extension of the General Plan, and be used as both a policy <br />and a regulatory document, When private development <br />proposals for the planning area are brought before the City, <br />the Planning staff will use the Specific Plan as a guide for <br />project review. Projects will be evaluated on their consistency <br />with the intent of plan policies and conformance with <br />development standards and design guidelines. For projects <br />with the Bristol Street planning area, policies and standards in <br />the Specific Plan will take precedence over more general <br />Page I 1 <br />