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Bristol Street Corridor Specific Plan <br />March 2018 <br />policies and standards applied throughout the rest of the city. <br />In situations where policies or standards relating to a <br />particular subject have not been provided in the Specific Plan, <br />the existing policies and standards of the City's General Plan <br />and Zoning Ordinance will continue to apply. <br />The adoption of the Bristol Street Corridor Specific Plan <br />constitutes a project under the California Environmental <br />Quality Act (CEQA). As such, the Plan is subject to <br />environmental review in accordance with CEQA statues. The <br />Specific Plan was originally developed to conform to and <br />implement the policies and improvements identified in the <br />Bristol Corridor Redevelopment Plan adopted by the City of <br />Santa Ana on December 4, 1989. In conjunction with the <br />Redevelopment Plan, the City prepared an Environmental <br />Impact Statement (EIS) (Bristol Street Widening <br />Environmental Impact Statement, FHWA-CA-EIS-89-01-D, <br />Willdan Associates) to analyze the effects and propose <br />necessary mitigation for the prior Redevelopment Plan's <br />principal action which is the widening of Bristol Street. The <br />Specific Plan has therefore been developed to also be <br />consistent with and sensitive to environmental conditions <br />identified in the EIS, and to implement City -adopted mitigation <br />measures. <br />In addition, environmental review and assessment of the <br />Specific Plan was addressed through preparation of an <br />environmental Initial Study Checklist which found that the <br />City's Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) No. 88-1, Bristol <br />Corridor Redevelopment Project (State Clearinghouse No. <br />Page 12 <br />87101404), was adequate to serve as the environmental <br />documentation for the Specific Plan. <br />To keep the Specific Plan as concise as possible, much of the <br />environmental background data has not been included in this <br />plan document. For additional information relating to the <br />environmental foundation of the plan, one should refer to the <br />Bristol Street Widening EIS and EIR 88-1 which can be obtained <br />from the City Planning Division. Although the environmental <br />documentation has been included in a separate document, it <br />is important to note that environmental factors have been an <br />integral component of the planning process from the very <br />beginning to ensure sensitivity to critical environmental <br />concerns. <br />1.3 Specific Plan Amendment <br />The Bristol Street Corridor Specific Plan land use plan was <br />amended (Bristol from Washington Street to 17th Street) and <br />(Bristol from Civic Center to 17th Street and Warner Avenue to <br />St. Andrew Place) to accommodate remnant parcels of land <br />acquired by the City as a result of the widening of Bristol <br />Street. The amendment identifies zoning designations for <br />parcels within the corridor based on new street right-of-way <br />designs and compatibility with existing land uses. <br />An addendum to EIR 88-1 has also been prepared to address <br />the minor land use revisions of the Specific Plan amendment. <br />The addendum has identified that environmental impacts are <br />less than significant, and that the general findings and <br />conclusions of the previous EIR are still applicable. <br />1.4 Organization of the Plan <br />The Specific Plan is organized to provide a step-by-step <br />understanding of the Plan's components and the rationale <br />behind its policy recommendations, design concepts, and <br />implementation measures. The first three chapters are <br />primarily descriptive, describing the plan, its purpose, the <br />planning context, planning goals, and an outline of the <br />principal planning concepts. The development standards, <br />design guidelines, and implementation measures which will <br />regulate future development are presented in subsequent <br />chapters. The policies, standards, guidelines, and <br />implementation measures in the plan are organized to <br />correspond to categories established by City and State General <br />Plan guidelines (i.e. Land Use, Circulation, Urban Design, and <br />Implementation). <br />Chapters in the Specific Plan include: <br />1. Introduction — establishes the broad purpose of the <br />Specific Plan, describes the legislative authority under <br />which specific plans exist, outlines the organization of <br />the Plan. <br />2. Planning Context— summarizes the general conditions <br />and sequence of events leading up to the Plan's <br />preparation. <br />3. Planning Area Description—describesthelocationand <br />general character of the planning area, and identifies <br />key factors that influenced the Plan's form and <br />policies. <br />