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Bristol Street Improvements Project - Phase 4 <br />March 4, 2025 <br />Page 2 <br />4. Reject Bid Protest received by Nationwide Contracting Services and award a <br />construction contract to Sully -Miller Contracting Company, the lowest responsible <br />bidder, in accordance with the base bid in the amount of $22,354,493, subject to <br />change orders as approved by the City, for construction of the Bristol Street <br />Improvements from Warner Avenue to St. Andrew Place and Bristol Street <br />(Phase 4) Water Main Improvements Project (Nos. 11-16741 & 19-6499)and <br />authorize the City Manager to execute the contract. <br />5. Approve an agreement with Cannon Corporation for Construction Management <br />and Inspection services for the Bristol Street Improvements Projects, in an <br />amount not to exceed $1,998,642 for a term beginning March 4, 2025, and <br />expiring March 3, 2027, with an option for one, one-year extension. (Agreement <br />No. A-2025-XXX) <br />6. Determine that, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the <br />recommended actions are exempt from further review. Categorical Exemption <br />Environmental Review No. EIR 89-01 was filed for the Bristol Street <br />Improvements Projects. <br />GOVERNMENT CODE §84308 APPLIES: Yes <br />DISCUSSION <br />Background <br />In 1991, the City Council adopted the 3.9-mile Bristol Street Environmental Impact <br />Report and Bristol Street Corridor Specific Plan (amended March 2018). The plans <br />incorporate Complete Streets standards, including wider sidewalks and landscaped <br />buffers for pedestrians and bike lanes (Exhibit 1). These improvements will result in <br />greater safety and mobility for all users, improve traffic flow, and enhance streetscape <br />aesthetics. Bristol Street is classified as a north -south major Arterial per the City's <br />General Plan Circulation Element and the County of Orange's Master Plan of Arterial <br />Highway. In anticipation of population growth, traffic congestion, and safety concerns, <br />the City and Orange County Transportation Agency (OCTA) have identified Bristol <br />Street corridor for major improvements to provide adequate vehicular capacity and <br />multimodal improvements. <br />Bristol Street improvements is a long-term project being completed in 5 major phases <br />as funding becomes available. The initial phases (1 and 2) were completed in 2002, <br />which included improvements from St. Andrew Place to McFadden Avenue and from <br />Elm Street to Memory Lane. Since then, enhancements have been made at key <br />intersections, such as Bristol Street and Warner Avenue, Bristol Street and 171h Street, <br />as well as segments between McFadden Avenue and Civic Center Drive, and from <br />Washington Avenue to 18th Street. Additionally, on September 17, 2024, City Council <br />approved the construction contract award of Bristol Improvements Phase 3, from Civic <br />