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Legacy Square Transportation Improvements <br />August 20, 2024 <br />Page 2 <br />4 <br />4 <br />7 <br />3 <br />association with the Legacy Square Affordable Housing project recently completed on <br />Santa Ana Boulevard and French Street. The AHSC grant funds projects that make it <br />easier for Californians to drive less by ensuring housing, jobs, and key destinations are <br />accessible by walking, biking, and transit. The Legacy Square Transportation <br />Improvements project will construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements to increase <br />accessibility from the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center (SARTC) to residential <br />neighborhoods and downtown businesses. <br />The project will construct class II bicycle lanes (dedicated striped-bike lane) on Santiago <br />Street from Washington Avenue to SARTC (Exhibit 1 & 2) for bicycle safety. The bicycle <br />lane will have a buffer between the travel lanes. Pedestrian safety will also be improved <br />by the project by adding curb bulb-outs to reduce vehicular speeds through <br />intersections and shortening pedestrian crossing distances, installing ADA compliant <br />curb ramps, and removing sidewalk tripping hazards. A pocket park at Santa Ana <br />Boulevard and Mortimer Street will also be constructed with this project to enhance the <br />community. Landscaping, irrigation, benches, trash receptacles, and lighting will be part <br />of the pocket park. <br />Public Outreach and Contractor Participation <br />To provide an opportunity for local vendors to submit bids, the City notified a total of 69 <br />regional vendors via PlanetBids, many of which are Santa Ana based. Furthermore, <br />staff specifically reached out to Santa Ana vendors to encourage their participation in <br />bids. A total of five bids were received. No bids were received from any Santa Ana <br />contractors. <br />As legally required, a Notice Inviting Bids was advertised in the Orange County Register <br />newspaper on May 13, 2024. The project was also advertised in PlanetBids from May <br />13, 2024 through June 4, 2024. Bids were received electronically via PlanetBids on <br />June 4, 2024. <br />Bid Results Summary <br />Rank Bidder’s Name Location Base Bid <br />1 CJ Concrete Construction Santa Fe Springs, CA 1,433,200 <br />2 I E General Engineering Beaumont, CA 1,512,370 <br />3 Hardy & Harper, Inc.Lake Forest, CA 1,525,000 <br />4 All American Asphalt Corona, CA 1,543,187 <br />5 Vido Samarzich, Inc.Rancho Cucamonga, CA 1,578,650 <br />A total of five bids were received and the lowest four were deemed responsive. CJ <br />Concrete Construction submitted the lowest responsive base bid in the amount of