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Legacy Square Transportation Improvements <br />August 20, 2024 <br />Page 3 <br />4 <br />4 <br />7 <br />3 <br />$1,433,200 (Exhibit 3). As specified in the bid documents, the lowest bid shall be <br />determined on the basis of the Base Bid. Based on the bid analysis and a contractor’s <br />reference check, staff recommends awarding the construction contract to CJ Concrete <br />Construction for the base bid of $1,433,200 (Exhibit 4), excluding the alternate bid. <br />CJ Concrete Construction has previously performed work as a prime contractor in the <br />City of Santa Ana within the last five years, most recently completing the Civic Center <br />Plaza Sidewalk Improvement Project. A reference check was made with staff and good <br />reviews were received regarding the quality of work performed by the contractor on <br />previous projects. <br />Project Delivery <br />To deliver a complete project, in addition to the construction contract, the estimated total <br />project delivery cost includes construction administration, inspection, and testing, along <br />with an allowance for contingencies to account for unexpected or unforeseen <br />conditions. Construction administration and inspection includes construction <br />management and implementation of the labor requirement. As indicated in the Cost <br />Analysis (Exhibit 5) and as summarized in the table below, the estimated total <br />construction delivery cost of the project is $1,798,079. <br />Project Item Total <br />Construction Contract Bid Amount $1,433,200 <br />Construction Administration, Inspection, Testing $221,559 <br />Project Contingencies $143,320 <br />TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION DELIVERY COST $1,798,079 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the recommended actions <br />are exempt from further review pursuant to Sections 15301(c) of the CEQA guidelines <br />for projects consisting of highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and <br />pedestrian trails, and similar facilities. The proposed project continues to meet these <br />parameters of the CEQA guidelines, and Categorical Exemption Environmental Review <br />No. ER-2023-92 was filed for Project 22-9001. (Exhibit 6) <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />As indicated in the Cost Analysis, the estimated total construction delivery cost of the <br />project (22-9001) is $1,798,079, which includes construction, contract administration, <br />inspection, testing, and authorized contingencies of $143,320. Funds were available in <br />the Affordable Housing AHSC Program, Improvements Other Than Buildings account <br />(41818832-66220) in FY 23-24. Therefore, a proposed carryover of unspent funds will <br />be presented to the City Council in September for approval of carryovers to FY 24-25.